CR's Holiday Party at MCF !!! Dec 10

It sure was nice meeting lots of folks. And thanks to all at MCF! I wish Uncle Carl and I could stay longer. Driving back to central Illinois got us home pushing midnight. And all our purchases still had to be acclimated.
I wish I could've gone :-( to bad I worked it wouldve been fun driving te twins around in their stroller in there lol

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I had a great time......bought 10x what I told myself I would spend going into this and don't regret a single purchase....great livestock at great prices. Thanks to MCF for hosting and ChicagoReefs for a great time.....reallly enjoyed talking to everyone.
UncleCarl .........Did anyone notice I was kind and made certain I did not win any of the raffle items....hope the winners enjoyed their good fortune. I was a winner just by talking with everyone.
Great time had a lot of fun plus I won an awesome t-shirt. Thanks MCF I'm looking forward to making it up there again soon.
Overall great time/event and first trip to MCF - Walked away with alot more than I had planned. 3 Sexy Shrimp, 3 Peppermint Shrimp, various snails, large blastos rock, sweet small scoly, 2 candy cane frags, and 2 acans. Pics once the lights come on. Also got a Filament Flasher Wrasse but it was DOA when I got home :(
sweet small scoly

I was surprised how many of these were left after the event. There were some nice ultras and nice bleeding apples for only $65! Ya, they were small, but the price couldn't be beat and you get to watch them groooooow!

Also got a Filament Flasher Wrasse but it was DOA when I got home :(

That's sad :( Did you call them up today?
those nems they had up front were awesome! Which colors did you end up with?

The pale green one in the back on the left and the red with bright red tips that was stuck to a rock in the very back with a clown in it. The clown vacated just before he was to be foreclosed on. I wanted frags but bf will kill me if I spent more. Very, very happy with nems. MCF is going to turn my into a nem freak!
I didn't know they had acrylic cleaning pads but I do now!

Also got a Filament Flasher Wrasse but it was DOA when I got home

the temp change walking out the door was excruciating to me, God knows what it was like for the fish. I didn't know what temp to keep the heat in car on for the 45 min ride home. At least I only had nems to bring home but I was concerned about it.
I didn't know they had acrylic cleaning pads but I do now!

the temp change walking out the door was excruciating to me, God knows what it was like for the fish. I didn't know what temp to keep the heat in car on for the 45 min ride home. At least I only had nems to bring home but I was concerned about it.

likewise, i held my stuff in my coat.
I had a great time and walked away with a $75 gift certificate.Thanks MCF.Also saw my awesome imperator angel and saw him eat.I'll give him another week in QT before taking him home.See ya soon MCF.
he was up on the durface wen i seen him. very cool ray. heres the horrible pic of the nem i piked up. hes still gettin used to my tank., but im thinkin its going to be fine
Good to see some old faces (Eric, Dan and Geno to name a few) and meet some new ones! Wish I coulda stayed longer, but picked me up a nice yellow fin fairy wrasse, a scooter Benny and a cool colony of of this morning, no sign of the fish, but hope they make an appearance soon!
Here are a few quick pics of my purchase at the event. I know quite a few people were drooling over these pieces sitting behind the "SOLD" post-it note...


