CR's Holiday Party at MCF !!! Dec 10

I had a great time. I came home with 18 chalice frags, Three SPS colonies, a very ultra LOBO mixed rock, two ultra anemone in colors I have never seen before, five acan frags and some other things that slip my mind. . Had a wonderful time visiting with people and the livestock was all first grade. Overall a wonderful time. I even left raffle prizes for others to win I was so happy with what I purchased.
pics of yur nems?
Ohh, that's sorta funny since we were talking about your frogfish and you didn't think he could eat them beacuse he was so small. Well, I gues you know now :rofl:

it was nice meeting you, hopefully those montis take off for you.
Good meeting you as well! I mounted them all on ledge about half way down in my tank! We'll see how they do! Thanks again! They look great with just my blues on!

Where? You must share link! :)

where were the 2$ frags?

All the SPS frags in the $10 frag tank were $2!!!
woa, might have to do that. you guys ever figure out wat those lil black fish wer in the ribbon eel tank? idk wat they are, but i want 1. looked almost shark like.
woa, might have to do that. you guys ever figure out wat those lil black fish wer in the ribbon eel tank? idk wat they are, but i want 1. looked almost shark like.

The clingfish! I bought one, its freakin sweet! Its in my pistol/goby tank along with a trio of those blue/green chromis. The tank really has some nice movement in it now!
Who won the Nano Cube?

This guy!! :clap2: Big thanks to Midwest Coral Farms for this donation and the great deals! And another big thanks to all the CR members who took the time to put this together! I had a great time, and picked up some great stuff!! Pizza, Beer, Great Convo, and shopping for coral make a great mix...
I didn't know they had acrylic cleaning pads but I do now!

the temp change walking out the door was excruciating to me, God knows what it was like for the fish. I didn't know what temp to keep the heat in car on for the 45 min ride home. At least I only had nems to bring home but I was concerned about it.

It's always a good idea to bring a cooler or a styro. We even took our Millies and nem out to dinner with us.
I was surprised how many of these were left after the event. There were some nice ultras and nice bleeding apples for only $65! Ya, they were small, but the price couldn't be beat and you get to watch them groooooow!

I woke up today regretting that I didn't buy one.
I wish I would have gotten more as well... Problem is, I will be back there next week to pick up a new filament flasher wrasse.... Will I beable to resist the urge? :dontknow:
+1 on regretting not getting one. I had my eye on a bleeding apple in the front but did not pull the trigger.

That was the nicest one I thought and I was shocked it was still there at closing time! Even with all the good deals and the tons of stuff people got, there were still diamonds left.
If they still have next week I might go pick it up. Was that just the special price for the event or thats what there worth?
Here's some of my purchases from lastnight :)




Sexy Shrimp on 'his' mushroom


Sm. Blastos Colony




ID? Favia?