DIY reef rock

And the main reason the first piece was scrapped was because the mixture was screwed up. It was way too dense and not porous at all.
I used a indentation in the sand to get the base, added the concrete then added sand in in on the sides and in on the concrete mixture to make shelves, concrete on top of sand and added filled and half filled with air to make caves and tunnels. When concrete mixture dries, pop balloons and remove. The fish love the tunnels and caves.
Nice stuff. I'm gonna make some rocks with holes and whatnot too, but first I need to get the back of the tank relatively covered first.
It was at a Menards by my house. Only 1 out of the 4 had it because there was a guy that made fountains down the street. Worse case scenario, you can only buy it in a 50 some lb bag, you can have some of mine, lol, cause I still have a TON and probably won't use it all.
Whats the ph level of the cement! You have to watch out most cements PH levels are at 12+ and they will leach into your tank!
To find white portland cement, try a building supply house like where they sell sand, brick,block, drywall and such. Not Home depot, etc.