dsb life


New member
so i have been thinking on what cause my crash, and i have come to the conclution that it was my dsb. it needs life. when i bought it it had mini stars, bacteria, worms, ect. than when my tank sat it died. so there was no life tuning the sand. i talked to the guy i got the sand from and he had a major issue with his 10000gal sand factory. so he is out of the question. so i'm trying to find where i can repopulate the sand, and i dont mean a cuc. and i need it at a good price. if anyone knows what i can do plz chime in. thanks guys.
just go barebottom.
otherwise, you can buy worms and other sand critters from inlandaquatics.com or IPSF.com
IMO, I don't like the look of bb, 1-2 inches of sand is my preference. Sure, a bit more more maintenance, but its worth it to me.
thanks again i forgot about indo pacific. they have exactly what im looking for. im a true beliver in the dsb just need the critters to provent dead spots. i didn't think my take was far enough alonge to cause a problem but i think it was the decaying cyano that got mixed up and stired in, and when i moved the sand releast crap. if i had the critters i believe they would have cleaned it up. i no they say nothing eats cyano but it is the bases of life and i would asume that when it decays it turns to detrius like everything else. than again you now what they say about asuming
Indo pacific is cheaper, but the shipping from Hawaii is 2 days. I had some die offs last time I ordered from them, but it was cold season. Right now is a good time to order though.
since my crash i had been realy reading up on them, probly 8 hours just last night. i had read up pryer to setting up but because my lighting issues my take sat killing off all the life. from my under standing it is all the life that some people think eat all the bacteria and stuff that do the denitrofying and good stuff is what keep from being a ticking time boom. from my reading the worms and pod and stars continuosly turn the sand and keep from getting pockets of doom. so it seems that a dsb has to be truly alive and not just have bacteria. but i am a noob and if im lucky enough for my system to last 5 year i will find out one way or another. but i definatly like the look better. i know blue gobies go through to much sand but does anyone know if the dimond is ok for the dsb?
Been trying to refrain myself from this subject but what are you trying to do?

What kind of crash did you have?

How old is this system or DSB?
the deap sand bed is over a year old but i had an issue with my light and as a noob i let it sit for a while while i was getting my leds set up. this killed the life in my dsb. steelo is the reason i got into the hobby. my lights were to strong and i didn't know it because the leds did not look that bright but with the optics it caused a massive cyano out brake, also i didn't have the life that natruly turns the sand. the life that steelo is talking about. so i belive when i messed with my sand bed trying to level the sand where my power head had made a bowl out of the sand. the cyano was every where in my tank rock everything. i believe that i released the hydrogensalphide that built up do to the lack of life. my system is only a few months old but the sand had been in there for some time. i even had to recyle the tank. at the time i disturbed it i did not believe it was long enough for hydrogensaphide to build. the thing i have now trapped in the sand is why i now desire the critters i need to reseed the sand. i was laughing yesterday as on reefcentral there was a lot of people criticizing steelo. but once again he is why i got into the hobby. and actuly just communicated with him yesterday. but thank you.
i see that was a little bit of a rant so to clearify im trying to repopulate my dsb with the worms stars and other sand dwelers that maintain the dsb to keep from getting the hydrogensalphide build up causing another crash.
ok here is what you do clean sand....clean rocks... dump in dr tims all in one... add a fish .... done!
ok here is what you do clean sand....clean rocks... dump in dr tims all in one... add a fish .... done!

+1 Might have to agree here with you..

Not even sure how to correct this issue... You can try to restart the life in the DSB but you will be fighting for a good time until it comes back. So get ready as the ride will be fun!

But if you feel that hydrogensalphide is already in your tank which going forward will make things even worse.. Just break down and restart!

I had a 5" DSB/Plenum for 2+ yrs and was a PITA to empty when I broke down. But I always maintained a good amount of CUC (snails) to turn over the sand each month.
I have to agree break it down restart, at this point I would restart with brand new Sand if you're going to restart over and just dump that old sand, Right now I am going on 2 years with my DSB and I keep it airated every other week when doing water changes, cuc helps as well to keep it fresh
Personally, I don't know why you need all new sand. If the sandbed is indeed dead, you can rinse it out & reuse. There are many reefers here with healthy tanks who can offer you a cup of their sand chock full of good creatures to seed it.