i think you don't need that garbage, just do some WC and leave your tank alone to mature. you dont need extra bacteria, its everywhere. the right bacteria will colonize your tank. stir your sand be once in a while nd you'll be good.
thanks puff but your not so close lol. i apreciate your help. you have showen me since i first posted on here you are a kind person. and skunk its not the bacteria im looking for just critters and bugs. but i found them im gana order tomarrow. $40 with shipping half priced compared to indo pacific.
ok, just a warning, that stuff my have bad things in it. like eunice worms, flatworms, predatory cocepods, and such. thats why i recommend letting your tank do its own thing.
well thank you for caring, and im not being sarcastic. i thought most of it was good. i know that there are preditor amphipods, there is a youtube video of one eating yellow polys. but i thought the rest was good for the most part. i orderd it yesterday so we will see. thanks again i know your trying to help. i will post on it in the future so people know if it is a good company and if the stuff is good.