dsb life

Wow once again i agree with jeni no need to buy all new sand . Unless u gotz money to burn . Rinse it and add a scoop out someones tank .
Personally, I don't know why you need all new sand. If the sandbed is indeed dead, you can rinse it out & reuse. There are many reefers here with healthy tanks who can offer you a cup of their sand chock full of good creatures to seed it.

You don't it's more of a personal preference if he chooses to do so, I was simply stating if you start over might as well ditch the old sand if he doesn't want to spend time cleaning it. Even then your not going to get everything out at 100 % unless your rinsing for hours and hours. But I am not sure if that works. I spend some hours clenaing out some old sand I got from a fellow reefer awhile ago and it was about 100 to 150 lbs of Old sand I think I left it in a bucket running water for about 3 hrs going every 30 to turn it to get all the nasties out after that I put it back in my tank and then transfer all my live stock over from my old system along with my Live sand I had established already, after a week my sand started to turn Black and then blacker and under it, my sand was still a walking time bomb waiting to happen even with me cleaning it for as long as I did. Here are some picks.. to show you how my sand looked



I do have to agree about not keeping a DSB in my DT. It takes up a lot of room & eventually looks pretty ugly. If I was to do it again, I'd keep it at 1-2" & have the DSB in my fuge. So far, mine has been fine for the past 6 years, even though I have an a-hole Engineer goby who has moved every inch of it to the back & often to the front of the tank. I can't keep anything on the sandbed, in fear he'll bury it. Impossible fish to catch, too!
it may be to much maintanice for you. every post with an attitude try and remember the golden rule. there is a misunderstanding. i don't know exactly if hydrogensulphid has been released i have never seen black in my sand. im trying to find critters bo stirr the sand to provent it. i know why it crashed after the resaerch i have been doing i had no critters in the sand, only bacteria, i stirred up the aerobic part of the sand throughing crap around that was bracking down. at the same time i added 2 fish. i only needed more bacteria to catch up with the bioload. it was only two small fish but with disturbing the sand and the fish it through me into a mini cycle. so all i need now is critters and to leave it alone. that is why it was not a total crash. nothing to do with maintanice, just a learning curve, which unless everyone has even if you are a marine biologist. than your learning curve was a university. now back to the question has anyone every got a bug pack from garf.org? my tank is looking better than ever, minus what i lost, i just need bugs.
and i know i was the one who said i released hydrogensulphide, but the reason i said that is because i know every dsb has some degree of it. it is part of nature and the way the things brake down. i assumed there was a tiny amount released because the lack of bugs to stirr the sand. i dont know how long it takes to form but there was not dead spots and not doomed.
Chill, I think everyone here is trying to help out, no one is attacking you or criticizing your crash. I'm definitely learning from this thread, as are others, I am sure. So thank you for sharing all of this with us, and I hope you recover your tank soon! Good luck finding the new critters you are looking for!
by my parents house in az there is one of the largest hydroponic tomato farms there is. because they are smack dab in the middle of the desert. i cant even get tomatos like that here in the mid west. my point being is that when you attempt to play god, which is what we are doing. you have to replicate nature the best as possible. my experiance with hydroponics has showen me this by that fact i cant get a good tomato here anywhere like im used to. and there is no 2 inch sand bed in the ocean, so i will keep going with the dsb. it just has to be replicated as closely to nature and in nature that sand is moved around by critters i nolonger have but need.
cornbread has comented on a few threads of mine with nagative conintations like above, about the maintenance coment. it is unneeded. im looking for help and can hadle constructive criticizum. as long as it is constructive. i just want to learn and have a beautiful reef. and im thinking this garf.org is gana be the best place for the critters half priced of indopacific.
Ok, not sure if I'm helping or making things worse :confused:

But if you were looking for life, I would have donated some of my sand if I was still up and running.. Had everything you need to get that baby restarted..

GL on your mission to get the DSB restarted ;)
thanks for the thought. i dont know if a hand full of sand would repopulate critters or just baceria. maybe someone else would know. but it would propbly have to be pritty opulated to pick up a handful of worms pods stars lol. but i dont know.
i was gana see if a lfs might sell me a scoop of the bottom of there uncured lr tank
by my parents house in az there is one of the largest hydroponic tomato farms there is. because they are smack dab in the middle of the desert. i cant even get tomatos like that here in the mid west. my point being is that when you attempt to play god, which is what we are doing. you have to replicate nature the best as possible. my experiance with hydroponics has showen me this by that fact i cant get a good tomato here anywhere like im used to. and there is no 2 inch sand bed in the ocean, so i will keep going with the dsb. it just has to be replicated as closely to nature and in nature that sand is moved around by critters i nolonger have but need.

You are not exactly replicating nature when you are doing hydroponics farming. If you find hydroponically grown tomatoes better than ones grown in soil, you are in fact saying you can do better than mother nature.
it may be to much maintanice for you. every post with an attitude try and remember the golden rule.

I'm going to let this slide because I am going to assume you don't know any better. There was no attitude in my post but you'll certainly get it going forward. Not everyone has time to manage a sandbed and I was saying the extra maintenance required to properly maintain one is not always something that everyone has time for. I'll make sure I don't trouble you with advice again.
I'm going to let this slide because I am going to assume you don't know any better. There was no attitude in my post but you'll certainly get it going forward. Not everyone has time to manage a sandbed and I was saying the extra maintenance required to properly maintain one is not always something that everyone has time for. I'll make sure I don't trouble you with advice again.

especially since your lack of ability to maintain a sandbed has caused you go run around bare bottom (and loving every minute of it).

I'm sure tthe misunderstanding here is one based on the inability for the typed word to reflect inflection. KeishaKornbread is one of most the helpfulest and caring reefers in the 'verse 1mg, If you reread his post with love in your heart you'll see it fo' sho'. :thumb:

If you want to try to secure your stir bots somewhere local you could check out xzotic aquatic. Hit or miss on in many opinions, but they got the cheap CUC. (That's the warehouse labrynth place where they hang your bag at the front that we went to before the BBQ, right guys?)
thanks for the heads up nate i will check it out. i always try and avoid shipping when i can.
if three people close want to offer it up i would gladly take it. so far the best i have found is a that garf.org they have a white agragite sans pack to repopulate that comes to $40 with shipping.