nice tank! you'll upgrade to a bigger tank in a year or two
haha curse of this hobby

Dang I like the sticks and that green leather hahahaha looking good man
Looking good man, I have been eying a Tomini tang at AP for a while now but I think my tanks about maxed out with fish.
That's where I got mine. He's pretty active and healthy! Already eating like a pig, I would highly recommend one
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Did the goby kill any of the pieces I cut you?
Which ones I can probably cut more2 of them
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Which ones I can probably cut more
Was the blue one the smaller frag or the big oneOne was like a pink/brown millli and the other was a baby blue acro
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Was the blue one the smaller frag or the big one
The frag or the one I have was y shaped
Gotcha that one's going to be awhile until I can frag it. Rockheads got a colony not sure he's ready to frag but that's who I got it fromThe frag was y shaped. I think you said it was robins egg or something like that
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