Feb 2012 Featured Reef - Markitekt

Holy stony beautiful!!! Great reef! You truely have a santuary in your house! Great job! Id love to stop by and check it out sometime :)
Very well deserved! I find your setup to be one of the nicest laid out coral wise. I love how you have them laid out. I as well love your stock list. All those angels make me want to cry. I love them I just wouldn't have the oo to add them to a reef. Great job!
Your write up is magazine worthy! I am really glad to see that you've gone with 2 part dosing after trying kalkwasser. This is something I am definitely researching for future tanks.
Show me the tits! Haha...amazing read. I'm glad to see you get props for such a great tank. I can't wait to see it in person soon.
breathtaking tank! I love the two rbta's you have. they look very "rose" colored. How'd u get them to stay in the same corner, or did you kinda get lucky with that one?
