Feb 2012 Featured Reef - Markitekt

Smokes... that is one sweet tank you got there. After I get out of school, have more reefing experience, along with a decent job, I hope to do a similar upgrade. There are a lot of sweet tanks around the city. Almost makes me want to set up a trip to tanks around the city, get a drunk bus with a side of byob and make a day of it.
breathtaking tank! I love the two rbta's you have. they look very "rose" colored. How'd u get them to stay in the same corner, or did you kinda get lucky with that one?


The splits off the anemone never walked away from the mother. Maybe it's just a good spot, so they stay.
Wow! This has got to be the most beautiful reef tank I have ever seen. This is my dream to have a tank this gorgeous someday!
Don't know if it was already covered, but what lens were these photos taken with? The photography is absolutely top notch!
Just want to say thanks to everyone for the positive feedback. The tank has gone through some major updates and lots of coral growth. I'll snap a few update pics when I get a chance, and post them either here, or a new thread. Once again, thanks to everyone for the pleasant comments.