Looks great George! Do you have a fish list?
Purple Tang
Blue Throat Trigger (male)
Spotted Sweetlips
Scribbled Rabbitfish
Bimaculatus Anthias (male)
Cebu Pylei Wrasse
McCoskers m/f pair Wrasses
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Mystery Wrasse
Hoevens Wrasse
Pair of Onyx Percula (one with crazy misbar)
Picasso Percula juvenile
Booyahs Darkside Occelaris juvenile
Lawnmower Blenny
Flametail Blenny
Splendid Dottyback
Black Watchman Goby
Nice, just seen this in person. Awesome tank. That the new torch on the left 1/3 in front?
Any updates?![]()
Sneak Peek...
Update coming soon.