FishBeard's 60g Cube


New member
Well i figured its about time I got a picture up. Just took this pic shortly after acclimating a proper cleanup crew for this tank, I figured 6-7 blue leg hermits were NOT going to be enough for this tank on sunday night after we got it all moved in and running. Took advantage of Aquarium Adventures 50% off sale, and came home with $120 worth of inverts ($61 out of pocket with tax after sale adjustments) I still plan to add a cucumber and cleaner shrimp in the near future, but for now the tank crew consists of:

8 blue leg hermits, 5 red leg hermits, 10 margarita snails, 5 medium size nassarius snails, 6 cerith snails, 1 babylon snail, 1 fighter conch, 2 emerald crabs, 1 sally lightfoot crab and 1 coral banded shrimp.

For livestock in the tank, there are 7 fish total at this time:

Pair of Ocellaris clowns, Royal Gramma, Coral Beauty Angelfish, Spotted Cardinalfish, Yellow Tang (may be moving into Lil BamBam's tank in the near future) and a Banded Sleeper Goby.

Corals that came with the tank:

~2.5" dia. Plate, ~4.5" dia. Open Brain, 22+ head Purple/Green Hammer, One large kenya tree that split into 5 smaller kenya tree colonies when we removed it from the rock tearing down the tank, and one very large rabbit ear leather about 8"+ across when opened up, and one nice 1.5" orange/purple florida ricordea. There are also some common junk palys scattered around the rock in the tank that Ill do my best to clean up before moving all my zoas/palys over from the nano tank we have.


This is just the first pic of many to come, I still have a lot of frags to move over to this tank in the next couple weeks.
Nice!! I have the same tank, and the rock structure is very similar!! Good work, looking awesome. You will like this tank, I know I have so far.
Filtration is around 60 lbs liverock, overflow into a CPR cy192 skimmer sump with Chemi-pure in the return chamber.

Lighting is a Finnex DL 24" 4x24w T5-HO w/ 9x 460nm royal blue LED lights. It's a pretty sweet light, will be even better when I replace one of the white tubes with a blue+ and one of the actinics with a purple+ or Fiji purple.
Here's a psychadelic shot under T5-HO actinic / royal blue LED lighting shortly after main lights went off for the night. Filled out the rock a little bit with a few pieces from the Biocube and have almost all my corals moved over now, still have a torch and a frag of blue/green sympodium I need to transfer over still, and decide the fate of 2 pairs of clownfish still.

I am diggin that acro in the 6th picture down (the think yellow one, also the 4th picture the one in the middle bottom with the yellow polyp tips is pretty cool. Very nice cube you have there Fishbeard!! All your corals are looking super happy so you must be doing things right!! :)
The purple valida is one of the mini colonies I just broke apart into frags to make room for the frags I won from Greg's giveaway. I think I still have a few more decisions to make in order to get everything off the racks and onto the rocks.
What camera setup are you using to get your pictures? I've been messing around with a few lenses and just can't seem to find the right one to get consistently good pictures of different parts of my tank.