Found whats killing my fish ~ i think (Cirolanid Isopod)

Holy crap that was a freaky vid!

imagine holding fish in your palm and pulling out that fecker with tweezers 20mins after you wake up .. i never had my hands shake that much ever before :( hopefully little guy pulls thru )
Wow after tens yrs in the hobby im still learning. Ive never heard of or seen these ever. Sounds like a new nightmare for me to look out for. Since ive started a reef seems like on evil creature after another. Good luck tin
Ughhh... but where did tinman get it from and is it going to be passed around our community? If he got it on a frag, who knows which frag and from whom. Others may have them an not know it yet, it may spread with trades. Do we know of a solid way to kill them? Those links said even interceptor wasn't doing the job.
Ughhh... but where did tinman get it from and is it going to be passed around our community? If he got it on a frag, who knows which frag and from whom. Others may have them an not know it yet, it may spread with trades. Do we know of a solid way to kill them? Those links said even interceptor wasn't doing the job.

this is exactly what i was concerned with
Ughhh... but where did tinman get it from and is it going to be passed around our community? If he got it on a frag, who knows which frag and from whom. Others may have them an not know it yet, it may spread with trades. Do we know of a solid way to kill them? Those links said even interceptor wasn't doing the job.

Hmmm no idea but i dont think i got it with frags .. cause i really dont think dwell in corals as not a single polyp is closed during day time and if there is something moving in them corals react by closing the polyps and dipping them in coralrx or revive should atleast make them swim around in that acclimation container if not killing them and i should have seen them (chances are mistaking them for good pods)

and there is no mention of their eggs anywhere so i should have gotten it with the rock i added since January .. im really bummed myself..
i wish i can point and say this is where my rock and coral came from ... but i have been adding a lot to the tank lately from all over chicago .
Ughhh... but where did tinman get it from and is it going to be passed around our community? If he got it on a frag, who knows which frag and from whom. Others may have them an not know it yet, it may spread with trades. Do we know of a solid way to kill them? Those links said even interceptor wasn't doing the job.

I wonder if a dip in Bayer advanced kills them. It reportdly even gets AEFW. Might be worth an experiment to find out.
If there is one that size, from reading the articles there are many more.

Just a slight bayer advanced residue (rinsed frag twice with clean tank water) on a dipped frag messed up one of cleaner shrimp for a couple days. The shrimp was picking at the frag after the dip, thought I had lost it.
Hmm, one that big thou, you think you would see a whole swarm of them in the tank. It had to be hiding in something that was put in the tank around the time just before it killed the first round of fish. Look how fast it took to go after the new clowns that were added. Hopefully it was just one hitchhiker that made it into the tank, but only way to be certain is starting clean and dipping all the livestock to check for hitchhikers popping out before putting back into the tank.
Planning to do exactly the same ..
Steps to be followed
1. transfer fish in to QT
2. Take out all rock and sand and corals .
3. discard all rock and sand
4. put new rock in
5. dip all corals and thoroughly inspect
6. put the corals back in (feed corals only phyto cause they dont eat phyto)
7. wait for a month and transfer fish back in
8. pray to fish gods that they are gone and fish are safe.

these things are killing fish pretty fast and are not leaving traces so if they are still there i would assume fish wont last another month.
Hmm, one that big thou, you think you would see a whole swarm of them in the tank. It had to be hiding in something that was put in the tank around the time just before it killed the first round of fish. Look how fast it took to go after the new clowns that were added. Hopefully it was just one hitchhiker that made it into the tank, but only way to be certain is starting clean and dipping all the livestock to check for hitchhikers popping out before putting back into the tank.
Hmm, one that big thou, you think you would see a whole swarm of them in the tank. It had to be hiding in something that was put in the tank around the time just before it killed the first round of fish. Look how fast it took to go after the new clowns that were added. Hopefully it was just one hitchhiker that made it into the tank, but only way to be certain is starting clean and dipping all the livestock to check for hitchhikers popping out before putting back into the tank.

and to answer the new clown lasted 7 days :(
man I never seen these in ten years . u learn something new every day . good luck tin . with the amount of bad things we can get in r tanks id say these have to be worst . loseing corals sucks but whatever. but loseing fish I don't like specially to something like that . this I gotta be the worst thing ive seen. like something out of a horror movie. .
maybe you just have one.

possible ... but im not gonna take chances .. once i rehome fish and corals ill try that dirty water method and see if i can trap any more and may be one of you more experienced guys can see what kills them or something like that