Top Water
New member
Hey I thought Jason Fox's My Miami was worth getting in a grow out for. I got it so the grow out was a success other than it took 2 years and went from 1500 an eye to 350 an eye if your lucky. Its a great deal for the grower(minus the head aches ) but a boring wait for the tag alongs. I don't think you understand what I meant about unforseen. Doesn't matter how good you think you are or how perfect your tank is. I'm sure the guy that had a fire in his house never saw that coming. Grow out can be great just understand every road has a bump in it somewhere.I have not been burned and the growers I have delt with have been some of the best. Plenty of people buy high end stuff just click on Reef2Reef . It would be great to see some nice corals grown out and brought to our area though.
Thanks for your imput Top Water. You bring up some valid points that people should be aware of the risks. It sounds like you've been burned a few times and not a very good pick of corals, and shadey people, were selected for the grow outs.
If correct corals are selected that are rare and limited then they're value would not drop in that short amount of time. How many peple are buying $1500 frags? Not many. By stating that too many things die means that the corals are in peoples tank with poor husbandry. I RARELY ever loose a coral/frag (I can count on one hand for all the years I've been in the hobby). When it has happened it's been within the vendors live arrival guarantee and it's been replaced.
Everyone does need to understand the risks, and from the sound of everyone else chiming in they do. Where else can you get a $1000 frag for $200? Sure it may take a few months, and a bit of a risk, but that is something you have to do to gain from the grow out.