So I'm a bit out of date with my tank.

I'm running 8x54 Watt T5s, after my LEDs kept shocking me to near-death. I also knocked over half of my rock work and rebuilt it similarly to what it was, but better. I got a mandarin and a mystery, decided the mystery was too aggressive to my Solarensis, then evicted him. Now I want some leopards, so I'm getting rid of most of my current sand bed to replace it with an oolitic one, which, by the way, I've always liked more.
I had my dad pick me up some coral when Eric shut down the WCR Stock Tank, so I grabbed a few nice frags and mini colonies. I traded some extra coral from my mini frag tank to Kevin for a BTA that decided to wander around the tank. After he killed my SECOND ORA Pearlberry (Eric, I don't think I'm meant to have this coral....

), he got traded to the Sea Schor (yesterday) for a nice acro minicolony. I also put a deposit down on a Yellow Assesor, which I'll hopefully pick up sometime this week.
I knocked over all but two of my acros when I had to cut free the rock that the anemone was on, so I need to reglue all of them.... After I do that, like I said, I'm switching out most of my sandbed. I still want to go back to LEDs, but that's not in the cards for a while. It also looks like Prestige LED is offline, so that makes my choice a bit difficult.... Ah well, I'll figure it out!
And that's my tank over the past two months. I'll try to get some pictures or videos up in the next few days.