Hello all!

My son is in corporate travel and got an amazing deal, the hotel is usually $2000.00 a night and he got it for $350.00, wish I could have gone, the photos he sent me are amazing! As for as Cerameco is concerned you are correct, they are very slow, I has to keep calling them @801-487-0274 . Ask for the aquarium dept and talk to one of the owners, they are brothers but you have to keep on them, they are very busy! I paid for my piece $39.00 +$14.00 for shipping and its 12x12x10 which is considered a medium size. It took me almost 3 weeks to get it.
Nope, its live rock and live sand, I will be tearing down my 45g that has about 60 lbs of rock in it and put that in the 90 as well. I figure it will be 3-4 weeks before I make the move and also move fish, corals etc. I think as long as I keep the bio load the same I should be fine.
Put 20lbs of live sand in the refugium this morning. I am getting lots of brown algae on the rocks, I think I am running the lights to high, had them set at 75%. I am turning them down to 50%, 5 hours a day. It's been a while since I set up a new system....I need to be patient! So far so good....
I will be breaking down my 45g reef within the next 30 days and will be offering some of my equipment for sale.
1.Maxspectt razor 27" purchased last August so still under warranty, new was $509.00. This is the 16k version, I actually got 2 of the 20.5" versions for my new 90g, love the light. http://www.aquacave.com/Maxspect-Raz...ure-P3664.aspx
2. A JNS hob protein skimmer that I purchased last summer and I have it hanging on the side of my sump. This is a great skimmer, same as the Aquamax HOB, does a great job and not noisy at all. http://www.saltysupply.com/JNS-VS1-H...shopping_feeds

If anyone is interested let me know, once again it will be 30 days or so. Make me an offer that I can't refuse!
OOO OOO I know.... its a fish!!!!! :becky:
Dude your tank looks amazing!!! Well done. When are we gonna see that F.S. thread?