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New member
Hello fellow reefers my name is David and I wanted to introduce myself and share my excitement. I want to thank Dave from aqua pro's in Glen Ellen for the great deal on my new 90g reef and share my build with all of you, and get some advice as I go. I currently have a 45g tall reef setup with a proflex sump, JNS HOB Skimmer attached to my sump and a Razor 160 LED. I plan on selling the 45g as soon as I get the 90 set up. Now that the new tank is here my plans are to order a new sump from Anthony with NanoSea and figure out what I am going to do with the lighting, skimmer etc. As far as the lighting is concerned does anyone here use the Maxpect Razor? Chris from Coralvue informed me they are coming out with a nano version that I can attach using connecting rods to my 27" Razor which should give me enough intensity for my lps and sps, any thoughts?
Welcome to the forum. there are a couple guys that use the razor and just love it. I saw that tank at AP. nice pick up. Can wait to see the build pics. any questions just ask. we are all always will to help.
I just set a pair of 160w razors over my 180g a few days ago and had another local stop out yesterday with a par meter and holy heck they are powerful little fixtures. I can run at 85% on both channels and get as much metered par at the sand as I was getting from 480w of t5ho. IMO on the 90g tank, I would run two 120w units, not a 160 and a nano. I'm guessing you have a big nasty brace right down the center of the tank which will just ruin the par numbers below it regardless which light setup you choose. Two 120's will place 2 pods of lights over each half of the tank. You may get some shadowing up high center in the tank, but if you scape your rocks properly this will not be an issue, a 2 bommie scape looks great in your size tank, make em tall mounds with lots of shelfs for your corals. Hope this advice helps.
Thanks for the advice, my 45g had the center brace that did block the center pod but my sps and lps still did great, I may sell my 27" and get the 2 120's, I have been told used Razors are bringing up to 80% of what I paid new. I do plan on building 2 mounds of rock, lots to consider.
Yea, you should be able to get some good money for the used razor, especially if its still fairly new with plenty of warranty left on it. Im sure there would be a few here alone that would want it, but the biggest market you'll find for selling it would be Reef2Reef if you are also on that site, and willing to ship.
Hello all, so I placed my order today....2 Razor 120 16k w connector bar, RO Diablo DC 170 skimmer, RO Diablo DC 3500 pump and Coral Vue 500w heater, I got a very good deal from Steve at Sea Shor in Buffalo Grove. My sump from Anthony at Nano Sea Creations will be ready tomorrow. Yesterday I ordered my first piece of ART for the aquascaping from http://cerameco.com/gallery/vida-roc...shapes/arch-3/. Looks like water in the next week or so, very excited! Has anyone tried the new connector rods yet for the 120's, love to see what they look like.