Hello Chicago

Your technical write up makes this tank sound very similar to some of the wastewater treatment systems my company designs and sells. I was almost expecting you to say you had an anaerobic denitrifying closed loop reactor basin in the next room for recycling your water. What PLC and ultrasonics are you using for your control system?
Just amazing.......my dream =) and I be down to take a trip with anyone that would like to go prob could fit 2 to 3 people.
Well I talked with the woman of the house and shes ok with having some people over to see the tank , how many would like to come ? kinda need an idea .

You might want to start another thread with a poll count to know how many members will show.. Might be easier ;)
when would be a good time for everyone ? I think a Saturday would be good . how do you set up a poll ? can someone give me a hand with that ?
Not until July for me :( my June is fully booked unless it's a Sunday.

When you make a new thread at the bottom they'll be a create a poll option. Select it and click publish thread and it'll take you to another screen to set up the poll.