Herbie's 45g^3

I am officially in possession of a new trimma tevegae thanks to the amazing efforts of the reefwise crew. You guys gotta see the fish Brian has right now.
Nate, just observed your cherub looks completely different than mine, is it just the lighting ?? does he have yellow on the face ?
Nate, just observed your cherub looks completely different than mine, is it just the lighting ?? does he have yellow on the face ?

Maybe it was the Blues but he's definitely still yellow in the face I think the older they get the more speckled with blue they get in that yellow area. it's really beautiful because those little blue speckles reflect light just like the lining on the fins

bad pic, but you can see what I mean:
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My new Osteichthyes:

Neon Goby from Sho Tank
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Purple Firefish from Happy Coral (1 of 2)
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Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse from Reefwise
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Blueline Flag Tail Goby (Trimma Tevegae) from Reefwise.
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it seems as though, subconsciously, I don't like to actually see any fish. . .

Also have minute pair of Booyah's Ocellaris, Lawnmower Blenny (Sho Tank), Yasha Goby (MCF) and Cherub Angel (MCF)

Sounds like a pretty high fish count for a 45g DT, but these little guys are pretty much "no load" size. It's about 27 inches at maximum possible future size. Hopefully everyone will get/stay healthy so I can enjoy the show now.
Keep an eye on the Neon Goby. The reason I say keep an eye on it is because of ich......mine looked fine from the beginning and then POOF!!!!!!! Ich. It recovered in a short time and luckily nothing else in the aquarium got it. I got very lucky IMO

On a better note though, Nice selection of fish!!!!
Hey herbs how do u keep ur nitrates down with all the fish u have.. Besides skimmer and cheato with LR what else do u run?

Awesome tank and pics.. I'm really diggin ur tank.. Love the pic of the trimma
Hey herbs how do u keep ur nitrates down with all the fish u have.. Besides skimmer and cheato with LR what else do u run?

Awesome tank and pics.. I'm really diggin ur tank.. Love the pic of the trimma

Total fish at this point:
2 ocellaris
2 Lubbock's wrasse
1 cherub angel
1 lawnmower blenny
1 neon goby
1 purple fire fish.
1 yasha goby

Unfortunately the trimma and Tanaka have been MIA since adding also lost one of my fire fish right away (none my fault I assure you). Looks like a long list but these are all small fish. I've got about 60g total volume and I do run a reactor with gfo and carbon in addition to chaeto and religious weekly water changes. I may be pushing it but everything seems happy so far and all of my corals are showing daily growth (literally) so I think I'm OK. Let me assure the fish police that the wrasse are intended to be the last vertebrates for a very long time (unless I can find another Trimma):D
Matt at Sho Tank comes through again. This tiny pair was labeled trimma canar at the wholesaler but he grabbed them because I had requested trimma tevegae. I think I got lucky because I'm pretty sure these are actually tevegae. Who can tell for sure at this size though.
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THAT is a LFS giving good service.