Here is my last comment and I'm out.
We live in a city where crime is prevalent. It's unfortunate, but its the truth.
Chicago happens to be a city with some of the strictest gun laws. Yet our gun related homicides are always either at the top of the list, or in the top 3.
The argument usually goes like this for both sides: conservative view - well if there weren't such strict gun laws there wouldn't be so many gun related deaths in the city. Liberal view - well its so and so states fault, its straw purchasers fault, etc. I don't agree with either view.
I don't think more guns is the answer, but I also don't think banning them is either. I don't follow either side of the aisle. I like some of the theories from both, but ultimately this country was founded by a group of like minded individuals who hated being under the thumb of England. They came here wanting freedom and the only way to get it was by force.
That is what the constitution is about. Giving us the freedom to live our lives without someone telling us what to do. Is that how it is today? No it is not unfortunately because we've strayed from the ideals set forth by our forefathers. My parents are immigrants. I was born here. They came here as young children. Why did both sets of my grandparents come here? For freedom and opportunity.
I think we all deserve to live our lives as we see fit. The government should do their jobs as intended by the founders of this country. If you want to be an atheist, well dammit, go for it, its your right to follow that path. If you don't feel you need a gun, don't get one. But don't tell me that I don't need one. This is America and its my right to own one. And if our quasi-socialist government feels thats what needs to be done, good luck with that.
I've strayed a bit from the actual topic again, but all of the above is interrelated to the topic at hand, which is removal of a constitutional right. As Herbie mentioned earlier, I would be perfectly fine if all guns were vanquished from the face of the Earth. But I will not be caught needing one and not have it.
I truly hope no one on this forum ever has to deal with any of the situations above. I certainly don't want to take a human beings life. I would love for one of our resident officers to weigh in. They have a very difficult job that I highly respect. They have to deal with stuff like this on a daily basis, and for that, I thank you.