Definitely! He is my favorite fish and I would hate to lose him. My most amazing save happened a few weeks ago in my 100 Gallon tank. My Flame Angel had jumped and when I found him he felt dry so I was going to dispose of the body but I decided to put him in the water on the off chance he was OK. He didn't move so I took him out and was walking towards the trash can when I decided to try one more time. The second time in the water he slowly started to breath. I was shocked but happy. I have to admit I still didn't expect him to make it though as he was in bad shape and swimming sideways. I put him in an egg crate enclosure so that I would be able to find the body when he died. I went to work bummed out for the day. When I got home I was surprised to find him still alive. A few days later he was 100% back to normal and you can't tell he ever had anything wrong with him. At that point I renamed him to Chuck Norris.
WOW that's cool

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