So since I had some time on my hands I decided to reorganize my fish room which included moving cords from underneath the tank that had no drip loop and moved all the apex modules into the fish room closet. Zip tied the cords so it was neat and organized. Moved everything so if it needs to be disconnected its easy and I'm not fumbling around with a bunch if cords
Cleaned my skimmer pump and its housing in water and vinegar and it is now operating properly. I moved my ro di unit towards the entrance of the his room from where it had previously blocked access to my top off container
I'm thinking about possibly enclosing the area that I placed all the modules and cords. If I do that I was thinking about incorporating a computer fan in there to keep it cool and breathable since it is now in an enclosed closet
I recently acquired some HPD food (high performance diet). My fish go nuts for this stuff. I mixed it together with a few other things I had lying around, froze it and then cut up in cubes
So since it's been awhile I might as well update my tank. The tank is now only an sps tank. All the zoas and lps were moved to my 60 g cube. I now dose bionic calcium and alkalinity using brs dosers. I am still using Salinity for my salt
Recently had issues with a broken skimmer pump which is now fixed. Noticed yesterday that one of my heaters wasn't working so I corrected that as well