JeboWP-40 cheaper replacement for Tunze and Vortech?

I would like to find a couple more to get in since shipping is 73$ I have another person interested in a pump. If we could get a couple more we could be in good shape.
If there are people interested in this, i sent them an e-mail about a group buy. i know the price it pretty good, but until we know the actual quality of it, any savings would be great. if it works out i will stat a GB thread for it
any reply from them regarding the group buy? I'm interested as well
any reply from them regarding the group buy? I'm interested as well

From the site, it shows 8 plus for a GB.. and it was like a 5-7 dollar savings... I think getting 8 people to purchase is going to be hard to do.

Tam Rio has a new controllable power head coming out soon.(I say soon cause it was suppose to be out Dec 2012). Check out Seio Wave Pump, rumor is it is going to be under 100.00
From the site, it shows 8 plus for a GB.. and it was like a 5-7 dollar savings... I think getting 8 people to purchase is going to be hard to do.

Tam Rio has a new controllable power head coming out soon.(I say soon cause it was suppose to be out Dec 2012). Check out Seio Wave Pump, rumor is it is going to be under 100.00

just saw it...interesting but "vacuum mounting bracket"...not magnet...wondering how long that'll hold up
It sounds nice, but if you read the reviews on RC, you cannot adjust the flow. You must use the preset modes and can only adjust the wave interval. So unless you have a large tank that can handle the 3400gph, this will probably not help you.
That's not entirely true. It has different pre-set speeds, or the randomized ELSE (equivalent to Reef Crest) where it jumps in between the pre-set speeds and creates equivalent waves. The only difference is you can't change speeds on a dial, but that's part of why it's not $450.

This still has controllable sequences, just not dial-in controllable speeds, so if you have a 150 gallon aquairum, one of these is plenty for 1/4 the cost.
And let's be honest, after we get done playing with the dial-in speeds, how often do we go back and fiddle once it where we want it?
Here is the info straight from the reviews on RC:

Originally Posted by SimonSKL

I am trying to understand the W1, W2, and W3 modes and how they compare to Vortech. Correct me if I am wrong. It seems W1 is a wave mode and is comparable to the Pulse Mode of Vortech and you can adjust the interval between pulse by turning the control knob to control the size of waves.

Exactly. On/off and the difference between the shortest to longest pulse is small. And it makes waves.

W2 and W3 modes are comparable to the Reef Crest mode of Vortech BUT the flow is not random. The control knob adjusts the interval between ramping up and ramping down only. These two modes are not wave mode but are stream modes as the pump does not pulse in these two modes.

Correct. The flow always goes from very little (never stop) all the way to 4500gph. You just control the lenght. I don't see any difference between W2 and W3. The short cycle is 4 seconds and the long cycle is 12 seconds. No waves, just a ramp up and ramp down stream.

And then there is this ELSE mode that I have no idea how it works or compares to Vortech.

It does all kinds of gyrations. Up and down, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Very random. If I could get it to max the flow at about 2-2500gph I'd like it for just stirring up the water.
This review doesn't include the ELSE mode, which does randomly go between the different settings, creating random flow and waves. He is incorrect that W2 and W3 are reef crest, its the ELSE that is reef crest in its randomization.
And again, I would argue that the $350 price difference, of course you're not going to have all the bells and whistles, but you're getting a TON of flow for not much cash. To me, being able to spin a button to control speeds is a luxury I don't care about. If it is for you, then by all means doll out the cash. I'm just glad something like this is coming along for those of us who don't want to pay out $450 for a powerhead.
I am not trying to argue with you. I was just giving people a heads up that in all but one mode, it's going to run full blast, which is probably too much flow for most smaller tanks. If people want to buy them, then have at it.... I am a firm believer that you get what you pay for.
I am not trying to argue with you. I was just giving people a heads up that in all but one mode, it's going to run full blast, which is probably too much flow for most smaller tanks. If people want to buy them, then have at it.... I am a firm believer that you get what you pay for.

I am as well but 300-400 for a PowerHead is insane. haha