Jeff's 30 gallon cube tank

Like 3 chromis where they swim as a group or 3 banggai cardinals but im not sure yet though..
Mini update

Got my biocube skimmer from the reefer today. (thanks bro)
Its skimming like a champ already

Added my first livestock today
Got a pair of banggai cardinals for a sweet deal



Also got 8 dwarf hermit :) My mini clean up crew
Just a question though i have a banggai cardinal in my biocube 14 would it be ok to add him with the other two?
Mini update..
Current stock in the tank:
3 blue green chromis
2 banggai cardinals
2 yellow watchman gobies
2 peppermint shrimps
1 fireshrimp
1 serpent star

1 green duncan frag
1 gsp
2 hairy mushrooms
3 purple mushrooms
1 pom pom xenia
1 dendro
2 green hammer corals


is that starphire glass? add another par 38 and put them at a angle, turn one on, w8 a few hours have both on, w8 a couple hours turn off the first one. have a lil sunrise goin. idk bout the bangaii goin in. possibly if its bigger? but i have no experience with those cool lil dudes.
is that starphire glass? add another par 38 and put them at a angle, turn one on, w8 a few hours have both on, w8 a couple hours turn off the first one. have a lil sunrise goin. idk bout the bangaii goin in. possibly if its bigger? but i have no experience with those cool lil dudes.

to be honest not sure.. yeah i was thnking of getting the 38 watt 20 k PAR38 from coral compulsion... hmm i like that idea of angling the lights.. i would get more light all around..

with the banggai im really cautious since i already have a pair in my tank.. i dnt want the pair to beat up the third wheel