Jrpark22000 - 110 rimless tank

It’s been such a pain doing weekly WC with these two in the 45cube. I put them into the DT Friday night after lights out. No problems all Saturday or Sunday. For the most part everyone was getting along, but the little guy was still straying too far and occasionally into dangerous territory owned by borb. She wouldn’t let the little guy linger, putting him back on the other side of the tank forcefully.

After a long day I came home to find him on the carpet. D#mmit! The screen top has a 1/2-3/4 ” gap around the DT overfull float switch. So gut wrenching after all the good work and successful pairing.

The clowns will get their own anemone tank. No more mixing with the big players in the DT. http://www.chicagoreefs.com/forums/showthread.php?19874-Jrpark22000-Nem-tank
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I think I’ve found the reason why the cleaner shrimp died. I had a large old pair, both were found dead within a couple days of each other. They were found on power heads with large chunks of their bodies opened, but I thought it was due to hermits. The one replacement shrimp I tried was small/medium and disappeared the first night.

Yesterday while doing monthly maintenance and was moving around coral on the BB exposing some bristle worms. The sargasm trigger hurried over and tore into the little buggers eating them up like they were quite tasty. The one time reef safe trigger is now dangerous to inverts… LOL. Oh well, the fish is cooler than shrimp.
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LOL!!! They act like they havn't eaten in weeks, and to eat a bristle worms I'd tend to agree but since they broke the treadmill they've become some fatties.

Clear fish pictures are always difficult, but I'll work on a taking a new set.
Thanks guys. It's mostly hands off, haven't added any coral for quite some time prior to the last week. Just letting stuff grow out.
tank is looking good man!! how do u keep ur tank so sweeky clean.. its spotless dam!!

Last weekend was monthly maintenance weekend, so that helps. I do a weekly WC and vacuum out detritus, but being BB I keep a higher flow rate to keep the DT as detritus free as possible.