Keeping a clam with flame angel

I have 3 clams with mine but I never buy an angel unless it's proven reef safe from another's tank. I've had very bad luck buying from a LFS.
I have a Flame Angel in my reef with a clam. He hasn't bothered anything "yet". Doesn't mean he won't in the future. They can develop a taste for things given time. I do think I would skip on one in a 29 biocube though.
I have a clam and a flame angel in my 90. I haven't seen the angel bother it. With that being said the flame angel is a beotch and harasses the other fish
I have a Flame Angel in my reef with a clam. He hasn't bothered anything "yet". Doesn't mean he won't in the future. They can develop a taste for things given time. I do think I would skip on one in a 29 biocube though.

I have had a potters,flame and coral beauty
I'm my 125 some how I lucked out that they
All lived harmoniously and never developed a
For Clams and coral just a lucky strike I guess
Did throw them all in at the same time so I'm sure that helped some
But yeah no prob with them munching on my clams
i have tahitti orange lemon peel with clams no issues heard they can but so far havent heard of one doing it if well feed. ive seen clams in bio cubes but just make sure u keep it stabile or u wasting money imo
Thanks for the replies. The biocube is my first reef tank. I guess the clam will have to wait till I get a bigger tank. They just look real cool.