Lets see your anemones

Heres mine with a trio of clowns. Not the best pic but it'll do.
its amazing how the same type of nems can look completly different in someone eles set up!! I think thats why I enjoy mine so much!
Hi Crooks - Yes sir! Here's a couple pics of one. :)


Here you can see one of the other mouths. Main mouth is a vertical slit going about 10 oclock to 4 oclock. The largest of the smaller mouths is at about 2 oclock. It's a flourescent green spot. They all take food. The mouth area is all flourescent green.

Here's papa #2 that keeps biting the nem at about 2 oclock in the full picture. He's got a clutch behind the nem on the glass. Mama and papa #1 like to go out and have fun. Same one every time gets stuck fanning the eggs all the time.

Well I fragged my RBTA today. We'll see how it does! So far so good...

I cut mine several times. I haven't cut it in a couple years, but it always recovered. It took a couple weeks for mine to start acting semi-normal. I cut it into quarters once, and if I remember correctly, only 2 made it. I wouldn't recommend cutting it into quarters myself, but I've read it has been successful.
I cut mine several times. I haven't cut it in a couple years, but it always recovered. It took a couple weeks for mine to start acting semi-normal. I cut it into quarters once, and if I remember correctly, only 2 made it. I wouldn't recommend cutting it into quarters myself, but I've read it has been successful.

How small were the quarters you cut when they didnt make it?
How small were the quarters you cut when they didnt make it?

They were'nt exactly quarters, it's really hard to get that slime ball to hold still to make exact quarter cuts. The anemone was about 16" or so before the cut. Each one was 3-4 inches of snot, if I remember correctly.
sorry about the pics, its off the ipad camera, but heres my 4 rose anemones(theres 2 on the bottom right ones right next to each other), they all came from one


