Lets see your anemones

Heres my small rbta

Still shopping for a pair of clowns to go with it.
why does only one of the clones have bubble tips and the others dont even though they all have the same DNA?
why does only one of the clones have bubble tips and the others dont even though they all have the same DNA?

Not even sharing DNA can determine whether a bta bubbles or not. Could simply be a minor difference in flow or lighting that causes one to bubble and the other to not.
The fragging was successful :) and my other clowns have traded in their RBTA for the other half of the sunburst. I wish I had done it sooner, it really POPS under the LED's!




George, I am running the evolution LED's. I got it when LED's were first coming out on the market so it's not very controllable but the corals seem to love it and it gets get color out of everything.

Thanks Geno and Ted!

Very cool Brad, are the clowns checking it out yet?
Here's one more of mine, same as Cecily's above, amazing how the different lights change their looks so much!
(just kidding, this was under actinic/blue+ only...)

George, what kind of camera do you have? Because I'm just using my cell phone. Lol. It does NO justice to how it even looks.. At all. Lol.

My nem is being SO GOOD. I put it where I wanted it, and it settled right in. Unlike your big stupid green one that was just walking away. Lol.