LIVE ROCK & DRY ROCK discussion

I wonder if your cycle started.. During one of my first builds I had the same thing happen. No reading of high ammonia for the longest time even after adding fish. Until I started putting more live stock then all off a sudden I hit the cycle spike. Maybe because I had more water volume at the time which required 3 time the amount of ammonia to activate the cycle. idk
It is always possible, will test the levels tomorrow.

I am hoping that moving the live rocks over when I moved the fish has enough bacteria to cover it.

Will let you know what I find out tomorrow.
Okay yes keep me posted. Im definitely following your build.

I always keep a bottle of Bio-Spira just in case.. That always saved me from a sudden cycle spike.
if its not too much to ask. Do ya'll mind sharing some photos of your Rock Scape? plss :) Just trying to get more ideas. google is played out lol
I know doesn't have to do with the dry/live rock discussion but I know you're looking into doing the bonsai type rock scape


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LIVE ROCK & DRY ROCK discussion

Nice Anarchy. I see some nice coraline on the rock towards the lef toot. Was this started as dry rock or both Dry and LR? Berlin style sump and LED or T5?
Nice Anarchy. I see some nice coraline on the rock towards the lef toot. Was this started as dry rock or both Dry and LR? Berlin style sump and LED or T5?
I'll tag you in my build thread and we can talk more about the setup. I don't want to hijack your original thread lol

Ok i need your help making a decision on how Im going to approach this initial set up. Ive always used Live rock and had a few bad instances of pests, I know its inevitable to have hitchhikers but I want to control it as much as possible. With LR of course I will have a better and more stable Bio-Filtration and faster Cycle. So I was thinking of doing a mix of Dry & Live Rock. I know LR would require Light and Flow during the process and Dry Rock would bloom with Algae Film with light during the process. I originally planned to do 80% Dry Rock and 20% LR to seed but I think I am going to flip that and do 80% Live Rock/ 20% Dry

Any suggestions?


We have lots of clean caribsea south sea dry rock in stock that doesnt leach phosphate, Very clean just needs rinse from dust. Come pick it out yourself starting at only 2.50 per pound and get huge discounts on lots breaks. just as nice or nicer then the marco and cheaper!

We also carry real reef rock, Man made rock, and they are getting really really good at creating awesome shapes on every single piece. it is free of hitchhikers and very clean and doesnt need to be cured. We sell starting at $7 per pound.
I know doesn't have to do with the dry/live rock discussion but I know you're looking into doing the bonsai type rock scape


This rock scape was done by mostly man made rock. I also tried doing this scape and is impossible getting the epoxy to hold.
And i would go with all dry rock bud. Algea might be a slight issue and cycling might take longer but it gives you piece of mind. I have had to take my entire system down due to hitchhikers. A red worm that was the size of an eel. Some fish started going missing, it was insane. Ever since that day I have never used live rock.

We have lots of clean caribsea south sea dry rock in stock that doesnt leach phosphate, Very clean just needs rinse from dust. Come pick it out yourself starting at only 2.50 per pound and get huge discounts on lots breaks. just as nice or nicer then the marco and cheaper!

We also carry real reef rock, Man made rock, and they are getting really really good at creating awesome shapes on every single piece. it is free of hitchhikers and very clean and doesnt need to be cured. We sell starting at $7 per pound.
Going there this friday. Might pick up some pounds of this realreefrock. Looks amazing
This rock scape was done by mostly man made rock. I also tried doing this scape and is impossible getting the epoxy to hold.
And i would go with all dry rock bud. Algea might be a slight issue and cycling might take longer but it gives you piece of mind. I have had to take my entire system down due to hitchhikers. A red worm that was the size of an eel. Some fish started going missing, it was insane. Ever since that day I have never used live rock.

I was thinking of doing 25-30% Live Rock. the rest Dry. I was planning to quarantine the LiveRock clean it and be very choosy before putting it into the tank. Maybe medium to small pieces of Pukani. Idk im still doing research on where to get it from. Im also thinking of going to my LFS this weekend and see how they maintain their live stock.
Yes it was Marko Rock. My live rock was from Premium Aquatics. I have downsized and no ,onger have any of this rock.
Okay yes keep me posted. Im definitely following your build.

I always keep a bottle of Bio-Spira just in case.. That always saved me from a sudden cycle spike.

Just did a full batch of water tests;
Ammonia, 'Trites and 'trates all 0
pH about 8.1 or 8.01 from my APEX (( haven't calibrated the probe yet ))
Phosphates --- 0
Cal --- 470
Mag --- 1350
Alk --- 5.6 --- tested my water change water, it tested at 7. It appears that the Marco rocks sucks it up. Second time I tested it this way. Dosed a few cap fulls.

Moved a zoa rock over last night --- looks great.
I made this with (BAD PICS) BRS reef saver and tonga shelf. I used rods and E-Marco 400.The shelf are floating just like above pic.

Untitled by efcolon4, on Flickr

Untitled by efcolon4, on Flickr

That is pretty sick! I knew i should have ordered the Mortar instead i got the 2-step epoxy and the Marco rods. I ordered some shelf rock with the Largo. Hopefully they go good together. dam good job on that scape. Looking forward to see more. :)
Just did a full batch of water tests;
Ammonia, 'Trites and 'trates all 0
pH about 8.1 or 8.01 from my APEX (( haven't calibrated the probe yet ))
Phosphates --- 0
Cal --- 470
Mag --- 1350
Alk --- 5.6 --- tested my water change water, it tested at 7. It appears that the Marco rocks sucks it up. Second time I tested it this way. Dosed a few cap fulls.

Moved a zoa rock over last night --- looks great.

Sweeet. thanks for keeping me posted on the progress. Im curious to see if you ammonia climbs up when you start stocking more fish.
I was thinking of doing 25-30% Live Rock. the rest Dry. I was planning to quarantine the LiveRock clean it and be very choosy before putting it into the tank. Maybe medium to small pieces of Pukani. Idk im still doing research on where to get it from. Im also thinking of going to my LFS this weekend and see how they maintain their live stock.
That's not a bad idea. Quarantine it before throwing it in the main system.

I made this with (BAD PICS) BRS reef saver and tonga shelf. I used rods and E-Marco 400.The shelf are floating just like above pic.

Untitled by efcolon4, on Flickr

Untitled by efcolon4, on Flickr
That's pimp. I follow your new Elos display bro. I was too late to buy your buddies tank but yours looks sick. I have never tried this method with the acrylic rods but it seems like it's going great with your display. This is probably what I will do when I start my new setup in the summer.