You added new white sand ontop of the red covered on right?
Looks good
The rust colored looks like diatoms. But the redish looking doesnt look like cyano layer.
If thats the worst after the dosing. It should burn out
This is as bad as its been getting which is big improvement
Alright good next thing to do is start feeding again, buy a clean up crew and MAKE ME A FRAG Of THAT ORANGE MUSHROOM for trade
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Patience is the best way to deal with the problem...
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So the rust colored stuff is back on the substrate? It can be a bloom caused from silica on the new sand. It will pass.
I would leave it alone and let it run its course man I know u prob don't want to hear that but how about u give it a few weeks and see what happens. The tank is only a couple months old right? Buy a robust clean up crew and try to tackle this thing naturally, stop with the chemicals and the blackouts and the stress just sit back and let it do its thing. Either that or change out all the sand and replace with live..
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