Team CR
Wrasse paradise...I love it !
Yes Mark, I love wrasses. Kill many Powder Brown and Powder Blue tangs. Only one Powder Blue can live in other tank. So wrasses more safe for me.
Wrasse paradise...I love it !
Nice looking tank, love the wrasses. What species is the one that kind of looks like the Formosa?
Nice looking tank, love the wrasses. What species is the one that kind of looks like the Formosa?
Yep, MadJoe is king of wrasses...
Update today picture..All still alive..
I want that scotts
Haha no way jose...
Lol seven seas was suposse to get me one but they never did they dint even answer pm 's lol
Wow very nice setup!! I love all the wrasses
How do you quarantine them when you get them. What meds do you run them thru? I use coppersafe on fish but read that it's not good to quarantine wrasses with coppersafe. Any advice would be helpful. All your stuff is awesome mai. Never met but hopefully one day I will.
I never QT the wrasse but QT tang...I killed around 5 Powder Brown tang and 4 Powder Blue..This one had been in the tank about 4 months..Hope he is doing good for long.
I never QT with copper so I can't answer but I do QT Tang and small angel with PraziPro about 2 months.
4 months u good unless one u wrasses have ich when u put it in the tank mine did lol but some metri and focus and it be gone nice ornate wrasse btw
MJ, the Potter Wrasse disappear for a week now..I don't think it make it..I need to order Metri and Focus..soon.