MCF closing sale- good deal or big disappointment ???

just got back, there was more stuff than I expected and got some great deals

two bottle of AZOX
huge idaho grape frag (from the show tank)
Green digi frag (form the show tank)
large mini colony that was in the SPS tank before, I believe its some sort of yellow/sunset milli
A bleeding apple scoly
baby hepatus tang
btw, the regal/hepatus tang is doing great, he's already cruising around the tank like he owns it, even though he's a small as my 1 chromis. Not an ounce of aggression from any of my tangs or even that little bastard yellow fin fairy wrasse :)
Nice! I was there yesterday and almost picked up a scoly and that milli as well! Glad it went to a good home! Curious to see how that milli colors up!
I saw it about a month ago there, it was def a yellow, but under those T5 they had there isn't enough to keep their color for long. they had a few nice tabling acros, but I really didn't have the room, great deals on those.
They did have a lot more than I though, picked up a huge frag of the red monti and the pokerstar from the show tank, got 7 frags from the frag tank, a nitrate test kit and the last bottle of azox along with my water for $60, awesome deals, good way to go out!
Walt, I told Sara to give you a call to setup pickup. You should be hearing from her soon.

Thanks Nino!

Glad to hear you guys got some good deals :)
Fiji has been a life long dream Blake. I expect to live vicariously through you very well. Steal the GoPro!!!
I will do my best! Yes, I have my GoPro charged and ready to take tons of video and pictures! I will have my other camera too.