Mixed 60 cube build

as for water going over the weir, try closing the gate valve a little bit to raise the water level in the overflow box so there will be less of a "Drop"

and for the air going down the pipe, are you talking about the main drain pipe or the red emergency pipe?
my guess is that you have air trapped inside the main return pipe. you might want to consider adding a small air release valve on the cap

air on the main drain I drilled some holes on the cap because that’s what yt said to do when setting up the drain
as for water going over the weir, try closing the gate valve a little bit to raise the water level in the overflow box so there will be less of a "Drop"

and for the air going down the pipe, are you talking about the main drain pipe or the red emergency pipe?
my guess is that you have air trapped inside the main return pipe. you might want to consider adding a small air release valve on the cap
As for raising the water lvl the emergency drain is already taking to much water
did you try running it without the 90 fittings in the overflow box?
mine is draining directly into the bulkhead. no trapped air and perfectly quiet
well the plumbing is leaking I realized I forgot to prime the pvc before gluing so I am removing the fish and am going to replumb I am thinking about soft plumbing this time because of how much a pain plumbing was the first time thoughts?
i cant speak from experience, but a lot of people out there strongly recommend against a check valve.
i was looking to use one for in my tank but decided not to
from what i was reading, its only a matter of time before a check vale fails in a saltwater system
i wouldn't count on it to prevent a flood
Tanks looking killer I added some tangs now I need to set up the Apex ;) unleash the tang police yes that is a baby purple tang and yes I named it dory and yes Ik the tank is TOO small for a full grown purple tang but guys that takes time and I my lsf will let me trade my tang in for a smaller one at any time so I am chillingA3799288-05AE-4AE0-BE65-A2FF6F11FB3B.jpeg309C841D-5F9D-43DB-8C24-9ECB7E7C25FF.jpeg887A430A-3E1A-4CA2-ADDB-1497B811FDA5.jpeg
6E3BE8F4-4410-43BB-9BED-BD0A87B17FAA.jpegF61308B2-248E-48D5-A29B-77D578A550DF.jpegUpdate! It’s been a wile tank is at it’s like 8 week mark of being filled and I kinda rushed to add corals in I hope that It doesn’t come back to bite me... all corals have been in the tank for atleast a week some closer to 3
I took a full tank shot. This is the 4th month this tank has had water in it and I am very happy with the success rn. Aside from those 3 torch heads that closed as I took this photo because a tang swam next to it every is looking great. I am glad I went for a more lps heavy tank even though I love sps the instant sucess of the lps coupled with the movement has captivated my family and they love the tank. The only thing I could wish for is some visible coroline algae growth to cover the rocks but I know that will come with time. Please leave all tips on photographing corals as I enjoy photography yet cannot take photos of this tank that matches what I see with my eyes
I got a Neptune trident for my birthday so I set it up!!! I still need to set up the dose but I will do that after I camibrate the trident. I also need to get a cabinet setup to hold all my apex stuff E7F07BBC-21D4-44BE-A5A8-2CFBDBB53DB9.jpeg
Sorry I haven’t been posting updates but the tank is looking beautiful. Sadly I will be shutting it down in a few weeks. Good news is the reason I am shutting it down is to provide space for a new waterbox 270 LX I can’t wait to start the new build thread as soon as the tank arrives here’s one of the final full tank shots.086C10C4-A89C-4B4F-81DF-CF9884A4B6A9.jpeg
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Keeping all livestock though will giving tangs to a freind temporarily wile I quarantine and add other fish because tang violence. I will have so much more room for fish in this new tank I can’t wait!!!