Mr. Microscope's 25 Gallon Cube

Yay! They came out good! Love the 3rd clown pic! SPS all look good too, nice fat happy polyps. No Bangaii reflection picture?
Yay! They came out good! Love the 3rd clown pic! SPS all look good too, nice fat happy polyps. No Bangaii reflection picture?
Oh yeah, there are some good reflection pics. I'm saving that one for later. Also, you took so many good clown fish pics it was hard to narrow it down. I'll be posting more of those later as well plus some other amazing coral pics.

boy do I love this tank, such a stunner!!!
Thanks Prov!

Great tank and awesome pics.
Thanks The reefer!

Pics look great! I love the clown pictures though! They are amazing!
Thanks Cubbies! Like I said above, Eric got a lot of awesome clown pics. I'll post more soon!
"Are you sure this is only 25 gallons?"

Do you think he's looking at his reflection or gazing into the world of the food god?





Killer Zoas. First shots I've been able to get of them since I got them five months ago. The Darth Mauls grew from two to ten polyps and the Untouchables grew from two to seven.


Rainbow Acans!
The day has finally come! Both of my clowns are now hosting the yellow torch. They're starting to demonstrate dominant behavior with one another as well. Exciting~!

So, my Yumas have been thriving. They're growing and leaving behind babies as they spread. Yesterday, I found a baby Yuma with two mouths! I'm guessing this is quite rare since I did a search and couldn't find anyone else talking about it (aside from Florida Rics of course). Funny, cause it's oval shaped instead of circular like all the others. Kinda neat!
Update 2012.09.17

Hello All,

Again, I’m overdue for a monthly update on my system. To start out, here’s the latest FTS:


As, you can see I recently took down the Anacropora from it’s spot on top of the pillar next to the Palmer’s Blue Milli. It was directly in front of the MP10. The sensitive SPS was getting it’s flesh torn off by the laminar flow. Also, I had moved a smaller piece of it several weeks ago and that piece seemed much happier (better color and polyp extension). So, I figured the rest of the colony needed to get moved as well. Unfortunately, I was unable to remove the whole colony at once. There are now several pieces of Anacropora sticking out the side of the pillar. They seem to be dramatically improving in health.

It’s been about a month and a half since I installed the Finnex heat controller. So far, so good! I realize my tank has been swinging quite a bit on warmer days. As the weather gets cooler though, I expect that to level off.

Several months ago I saw a post on reefbuilders about Salifert Coralline Amino Acids. I decided to give it a shot. Right now I’m using about a half dose. The directions say 5mL/25 gallons once per week. I’m adding 3mL to my water change batches and am two weeks into the trial. ‘Haven’t noticed any difference yet, but I’ll keep posting about it.

Probably the biggest addition I’ve made to my tank in a while is starting an Acan garden. Yes, I finally go the acan bug! I’ve had one colony of red ones for a while and have been impressed with their growth and how fun they are to feed. So, I thought I’d take the plunge. I’ve acquired some rainbow pieces (Thanks Windy City Reefs!) and slowly established them with some dry and live rubble. Here it is. I can’t wait to watch it fill in.


The rainbows really pop with blue LED’s.

Finally, I just figured out how to use the macro function on my seven year old P&S. LOL! Here are my first attempts. The top-down look the best, but I couldn’t use my tripod for them. So, they’re a little shakey.




This guy is really starting to get big.



I recently remounted the stylo to the back wall. It was getting crowded out by the green birdsnest and milli.

I’m really happy about this shot as it is the first time I’ve been able to capture the true colors of this beauty. For some reason, the blue/purple always looked grey in pics. I guess top-down is the way to go for this one.



Not a macro shot, but kinda a neat reflection shot. Also, there’s a neat rainbow on the glass. I think this comes from the LED’s. Looks like I need some cyan.
Hello All,

A while back, a friend gave me an Urchin that came in as a hitchhiker on an SPS colony (Thanks poidog!). Please chime in if you have a positive ID on this guy. I eagerly took it (relatively confident it wasn't a rock-borer) and acclimated it to my tank. It's been in there a couple months, but I hardly ever see it. It's quite small and from what I can tell, nocturnal. The few times I have seen it has been while the lights were out. Yesterday, I finally saw it with the lights on and was able to get a few good shots! It seems to have grown a little since I first got it. Check it out!


I believe it's Echinometra viridis

Echinometra viridis, the Reef Urchin. 2-3 in. diameter. Pointed purple to brownish spines with a white ring around their base. Tropical West Atlantic. Feed during the night (hide in coral, rock by day) on algae.