Hello All,
It’s been far too long since my last comprehensive update. So, I’ve got a pic heavy whopper for you today. To start out, here’s the obligatory FTS:
FTS 2012.11.12
I took about fifteen pics to try to get this FTS, but it just wasn’t in the cards for me that night. I think it looks overexposed and the colors are all wrong. On the plus side, as I was taking the pictures for the FTS, I accidentally got a cool blurred shot of my bangaii as is swam across the frame. It reminds me of an X-Wing.

What d’ya think?
Here’s a FTS from today 2012.11.14. I took this with a flash. It sort of illustrates colors of the corals a little better. The rock pillar certainly isn’t green though.
Out with the old..
I’m in a bit of a transitional period with my tank right now. Some corals have outgrown the tank and I’m finding myself pairing down on SPS. The ORA Green Birdsnest that I had on top and front became way too big and were starting to grow into other SPS. So, I got rid of these two colonies. Here’s the last pics I took of them a week or two before selling them to some locals.
On a sad note, both of my Turbo snails recently died. The big one went first, and the small one a few days later. It was odd, while the CUC was eating the big one that died, the small one was hanging around it like morning it. I have no idea why they died as there was plenty of algae for them to eat. All other snails seem fine.
In with the new..
There have been a few new additions lately. I got some old school Mowhawks, and added them to the base of the pillar next to the yellow torch and some remnants of ORA Green Birdsnest.
I also added a small frag of Hawkins Echinata which seems to be doing okay.
There have also been a couple additions to my acan garden. It’s been growing like wildfire since I’ve been target feeding the acans at least twice a week. My orange rainbow acans that I got just three months ago have grown from two heads to eleven! Others have added at least two or three heads or babies in the last month or two. I can’t wait to see how everything fills in the in the next few months.
Here’s a close-up of one of my favorites.
A Cryptic Creature
Previously, I posted pics of a sea urchin that’s been in my tank a while. It only comes out at nights, but I was able to get those shots because it was in the middle of a hollow rock. Though, the view was mostly obstructed. Recently, I’ve been seeing it out in the morning. So, I grabbed my camera and got some unobstructed shots with the flash. I hope I haven’t blinded it since it is my understanding that they have photosensitive cells all over their body, essentially making them one big eye. It seems fine though. Check it out. These are my best shots yet. It’s growing so fast!
I never noticed this cool star pattern before.
Speaking of taking pictures early in the morning with a flash, here’s the first non-blurry shots I’ve taken of the clownfish. They sleep VERTICALLY in the nook of the pillar. Sometimes they’re outright shoved up in the corner of it snuggled up next to each other.
The battle continues…
I’m still having issues with algae. I’ve also been picking at small patches of cyano. It got really bad during the last couple weeks. In addition to isolated patches of algae on the display rock, I was competing with GSTGOE (Green $hit That Gets On Everything). I literally had to clean the glass everyday of a thick film of it. The snails were having a field day, leaving trails all over the place. That was kinda fun to see though.
Four days ago, I changed the filter floss (I try to change it weekly, but it had been in there at least three). I also exchanged bags of Chemi-Pure Elite. I was trying to push it to three months on the last bag, but I think it was used up. I always write the date that I put a new bag of CPE in the tank on the container. The last time I changed the bag was the end of August. So I made it about 2.5 months. I guess I’ll change this one after two months.
As a final measure, I put this unsightly thing in the display behind the rock pillar (notice a three other Birdsnest frags recently mounted above the RDE zoas).
In addition to starving out the algae with chaetomorpha in the display, I’m hoping to increase the pod population. There’s a large hole cut out of the bottom of the bottle, and I poked a few holes along the sides.
Finally, I’ve altered my feeding schedule to mostly frozen every other day, and about every other feeding I use more and target feed the acans and my fungia. My old schedule was frozen one day, pellets the next. Also, I was probably feeding too heavily too frequently.
But I think I've scored a victory
In the last four days I've noticed a dramatic, night-and-day difference in the cleanliness of my tank. Algae is already starting to disappear and I haven't seen ANY film on the glass. I'm hoping this trend continues as I keep up with water changes.
There’s one acspect of cleaning my glass that I don’t mind, and that’s little fingerprints on the outside.
Here’s the culprit:
He loves the tank too!
(Haha! This post has too much text...continued on the next post)