Mrs. Smitty's Gorgonian tank

Since this is Mrs. Smitty's tank... will she be the one taking care of everything? Like water changes and all? Or is she just choosing what goes in the tank? Love the column tank btw!
Since this is Mrs. Smitty's tank... will she be the one taking care of everything? Like water changes and all? Or is she just choosing what goes in the tank? Love the column tank btw!

She can choose anything but not the Sun Coral those [MENTION=2634]vucious[/MENTION]

Since this is Mrs. Smitty's tank... will she be the one taking care of everything? Like water changes and all? Or is she just choosing what goes in the tank? Love the column tank btw!

isnt that the case all the time ?? regardless of whose tank it is :)
Sounds good! I was doing some research on them, have you thought about growing your own food? Ive read a lot of success stories by growing your own phytoplankton. Thought it might be worth looking into.

Thank you....I'm not gonna try to grow it myself, it'll probably be enough on the glass every other day anyway.
I do I do 6+ " and purple as can be , and I thinkTed has some in his fuge. IM out of town till next weekend we can talk when I get back.


That sounds awesome Tom....I'll definitely grab those from you. No rush, her tank is still cycling.
Since this is Mrs. Smitty's tank... will she be the one taking care of everything? Like water changes and all? Or is she just choosing what goes in the tank? Love the column tank btw!

Thanks Crystal....Yeah, we'll see how this goes, Lmao, but seriously, she's aware on how to do water changes and maintenance. She's helped me with my tank several of times, and she's always observing me play in my tank. So I think it was inevitable that she eventually got her own small tank. Initially she wanted Fw "glow fish", but she changed her mind once she saw the blueberry gorgonian. So I think she'll be doing get own maintenance, I'm just trying to make it mostly self sufficient and low maintenance as possible for her.
isnt that the case all the time ?? regardless of whose tank it is :)

Pretty much, lol. That's why I'm constantly stressing to her that this is her tank, and she's responsible for the lil maintenance it'll need. That still may not mean nothing to her tho. Hahaha
If I was doing a non-sps tank I would be getting a pair of these guys again:


The small filter feed type food (Ova, Reef Frenzy, etc.) will usually get a feeding response going out of these guys. If not you can just toss some browned out acros in with them for food.
Oh, gotcha.
If I don't go with the seahorses, I'd really like to put a group of anthias' in there. I think she'd like the pink/yellow coloring on them.
Alright guys, I just put some more live rock in her tank, so now there's a total of about 20lbs of live rock, and 20lbs of sand in the tank. I also added my extra mp10 pump to her tank, since it was just sitting in the closet. Anyway, here's some quick pics.
