OK, so big updates for the start of a new year!!
- Plumbing leak was fixed (just needed to tighten something teenie bit more), so everything is dry, dry and dry!
- Skimmer has stopped overflowing several days ago, and has helped get the southdown particulate out of the water column. The water is actually very clear now, and when I start running carbon\gfo, it will all be even better. I'm gradually turning up my MP40s to get as much of that silt off my rocks as possible. This skimmer is AWESOME. It is producing a thick nasty gunk with it running at 2\3 (setting). It's HUGE, and one of the greatest features versus the small one I have upstairs, is the fact I can bring over a 5G bucket, take the hose that is connected to the bottom of the cup, open the cap, and drain it. So much nicer. I realize I need to keep the neck clean, but when someone is watching my tank while I'm gone, it's so much easier. Highly recommend this skimmer for the price. It will do heavy bio-load to upwards of around ~300G.
- I picked up 10 bluelegged crabs, and 10 astrea turbo snails to get things moving a little bit in there. I have been testing my parameters, and everything is zero except for Ammonia which has been .25ppm since last Saturday. I'm wondering if my API test kit is even good anymore, I bought it almost two years ago when I setup the cube upstairs. Either way, I'm not moving anything until that goes to 0. I don't want to risk even the cheapest of fish as it is unnecessary.
- Radions..... I can't say this enough, this things are absolutely awesome. I'm so glad I invested in these and not the China LED fixtures. I have it set to the Sipadan Reef on natural mode, and the gradual blue on ramp up\down is absolutely beautiful. I of course have nothing in the tank yet, but I love the color, it's so subtle and calming versus my on\off blues upstairs. I was doing a water test yesterday at about 6PM when all of a sudden the clouds rolled in, and we had a 25 minute thunderstorm. Real cool. Honesty, it probably does nothing for live stock, but the humans get a kick out of it!!
- I am getting the mesh ordered with Goat today, and need to get that done as I have a feeling my wrasse is going to get the crap scared out of him when the first thunderstorm hits. That is, if I can get him out of the cube's overflow. I hope to have parameters stable, and moving my livestock to the big ocean this weekend! I would think this ammonia should go down by then. Anything I can do to help accelerate, or just wait?
Finally.... pictures. The tank has been ramping up for about 1.5hrs, so these are the nice tranquil lagoon blues. I'll post pictures throughout the day. Dre has volunteered to bring over a PAR meter this week and get some readings, so maybe I will get him to take some nice pictures as well.
Personally, I feel this tank has come a long way.. It has been a lot of work, a lot of money, but boy is it awesome. I can't wait to see it stable, stocked, and topped off with a beautiful Gigantea.
Thanks for tagging along everyone, enjoy.
FTS from my office. Son's play area on the right side. I need to get the cables mounted for the MP40s, but don't know where I will keep them yet, haven't seen how the flow is enough yet... but that's on the list.
Dark FTS...
Notice the tiny bit of shadowing... Doesn't bother me, but nothing really I can do about it. Ecotech's solution was to buy another Radion (four!!!!). Yea, let me just go spend another $600. heh.
Here are the Radions... We came up with a little bit of an ingenious way of hanging these, and not having to buy their stupid kits since they are in a hood. We used extra 1" PVC, zip tied through the top of the canopy in three spots to keep it nice and steady. Then used picture wire wrapped around to hold up the lights. Good thing, these babies are pretty light, so there is zero strain on that picture wire. Another good thing is, I can just slide the individual fixtures around without having to redrill, or do ANYTHING! They lights are about 7-8" above the water which is where I probably want them. So far so good!
Plumbing. Big props to Dre for spending a couple of days helping me get this going. Seriously, thank you. The Radion ballasts are zip tied to an old sheld rack thing, which sits on top of my ATO tank. I haven't set that up yet either, but really need to ASAP. I have all of the parts I need to get it working. Return is the back pipe, drain is the closest. Voretechs, ReefKeeper stuff mounted and screwed to the stand itself. Zip ties keeping cables manageable. I am proud of it all!
Here is the Bubble Magus Curve 9 in action. This baby is AWESOME!!!!!! We also did two ball valves which will be used once I get my reactors. I plan on running Carbon, GFO and Calcium. What reactors does everyone recommend? I need to get those ordered ASAP.
More plumbing shots and under the stand...
Fuge area... I need to get some more rock from my tank upstairs, or just a nice rock from someone locally that is real rich in biodiversity. Any takers want to hook a brotha up? I have some real nice marco rocks I can trade... I didn't end up using them all.
Another FTS... The lights are ramping up as I take pictures. I LOVE these Radions.
Left structures.... Lots of holes, crevices, and little arches for fishies to swim through
Right side