My new centerpiece fish, help me keep it alive!

I had a copperband for over 8 months who would eat frozen mysis out of my hands and then out of nowhere he died one day. Definitely one of my favorite fish. I'm holding off on getting another one for awhile.

What I discovered is to let him relax and turn off the flow when feeding. They tend to like mysis and bloodworms, based on my experiences. If you have a rock with aiptasia you can throw that in the QT tank too(if not running copper) for him to try and snack on. However, not all copper bands will eat aiptasia.

One day I'll get another one, just not now. Good luck.
I had a copperband for over 8 months who would eat frozen mysis out of my hands and then out of nowhere he died one day. Definitely one of my favorite fish. I'm holding off on getting another one for awhile.

What I discovered is to let him relax and turn off the flow when feeding. They tend to like mysis and bloodworms, based on my experiences. If you have a rock with aiptasia you can throw that in the QT tank too(if not running copper) for him to try and snack on. However, not all copper bands will eat aiptasia.

One day I'll get another one, just not now. Good luck.


He is looking better in QT. I don't see the white spots anymore (I'm praying it was just sand!) Sure looked like ich though! He's definitely a bit stressed out, but he is swimming. I added a few nice size elbows of PVC for hiding room. Copper treatment has been initialized as well just precautionary. I am watching all other fish in DT and no signs of ich/scratching etc! So, as of now I can sleep at night.

Thanks for the positive responses! I have him eating mysis and clam as of now. I have yet to feed im QT. Going to down in a few and try some mysis just to try to calm him down a bit.

I'll keep posted!
Good news! He is eating in QT. Frozen mysis. (Sallys)

So hopefully all will be well with the DT and in 4 weeks he can go back in. Going to run copper for 14 days, observe for two weeks and put back in. As long as I don't see anything on DT fish, I'm a happy camper! :)
Good news! He is eating in QT. Frozen mysis. (Sallys)

So hopefully all will be well with the DT and in 4 weeks he can go back in. Going to run copper for 14 days, observe for two weeks and put back in. As long as I don't see anything on DT fish, I'm a happy camper! :)

Thats good news
Good news! He is eating in QT. Frozen mysis. (Sallys)

So hopefully all will be well with the DT and in 4 weeks he can go back in. Going to run copper for 14 days, observe for two weeks and put back in. As long as I don't see anything on DT fish, I'm a happy camper! :)

Just be sure to take the copper very slowly.
How's this guy doing? I picked mine up wednesday

Still alive, still in qt, not eating much if any now.... Healthy looking but not eating basically. I'm going to pick up some different food tomorrow. At this rate I don't think he'll make it since he's not eating.
What have you been feeding? Mines been picking at my feather dusters and a little frozen mysis but not much

What have you been feeding? Mines been picking at my feather dusters and a little frozen mysis but not much


Freezedried Blackworms, Rods, LRS, Frozen Mysis, Frozen Brine, Pellet variations, Clams (little neck fresh)

Only thing I've seen him eat is the frozen mysis (sallys) and a bit of the little neck clams.....

I don't think his odds are very strong... I think my best odds are finish this QT treatment. (1 more week of copper) then one more round of prazi, then 1 week of observation, then back to the DT. If he makes it its going to be in the DT and not QT.
Yeah I threw mine straight to dt. If I get something then oh well ill pull the other fish out and qt them and hold them in my wifes tank. Mine hides when I feed so the last couple days I can't tell what's going on so monday I'm going to look for some fresh seafood and some live blackworms. If I can find some live food I'm hoping it'll be okay

Good thinking I'll start the hatchery in the morning. [MENTION=3029]Vapour1ze[/MENTION] if you need some lmk I'll try to toss extra in and hatch a big batch

Good thinking I'll start the hatchery in the morning. [MENTION=3029]Vapour1ze[/MENTION] if you need some lmk I'll try to toss extra in and hatch a big batch


Baby brine aint gonna do nothing hes need to eat a million eithe hit a store and buy some adult ones or get black worms live u can also try frozen blood worms i had good luck with buterdlies and blood worms
Yeah I threw mine straight to dt. If I get something then oh well ill pull the other fish out and qt them and hold them in my wifes tank. Mine hides when I feed so the last couple days I can't tell what's going on so monday I'm going to look for some fresh seafood and some live blackworms. If I can find some live food I'm hoping it'll be okay

Nice! Good luck! I like those palys! Let me know if you ever chop some!
If it has not been eating it may not take long. I have heard that 1/2 of an oyster will also trigger feeding in them. My experience has been that if they do not eat within days they die.

This guy has been in my tank for two years and is doing well.

Don (drdavis)
Don Davis
220 Gallon Mixed Reef & 60 Gallon Seahorse Tank
With Dual Basement Sumps
Baby brine aint gonna do nothing hes need to eat a million eithe hit a store and buy some adult ones or get black worms live u can also try frozen blood worms i had good luck with buterdlies and blood worms
Why know any store with blackworms and brine?
