New member
Yep, :wub: at 1st sight!
Wow!! Did they survive? If so are you selling the little weirdys?? Hahaha:roll:
Yep, :wub: at 1st sight!
Are they moving about the tank on their own? I would suspect that this would be a good sign that they are doing ok for now, but you should probably give them all more space/new homes.
Yep, :wub: at 1st sight!
What kinds split? Ik 1 rose buy what about the other?
i thnk all anemenes can split bro.. not just rose btas
BTAs are the only hosting species that reproduce asexually with any frequency. Maxi minis handle cutting well but you don't see it a whole lot in nature. Other than that it's very rare to see a natural split. Like the :llama: most utilize sexual reproduction.
excellent use of the llama.
Nonono i ment variety
I recently realized that we also have awhich will come in handy in the future as well.
was wondering when a bta split will it have the same color as the parent bta or would the color change
like u mean color variety.. um i thnk as long as its an anemone regardless of color or type its able to split sexually or asexually
For gods sake im trying to ask what varieties you have that split hahaha
Oh lol.. Sorry bro.. I had my rose btas split and pink btas