New 210 Gal tank Build!!

Yup you got it!! I did pick it up from him last night!! So here is the fun part!! Have you ever wondered such a beautiful tank may never leave a house!! Well this almost happened to me :( I should have taken pictures of this now that I am thinking today as this truely was a site to see. lets start out with the tank did not want to move. It was stuck to the stand! Jan, my buddy and myself were yanking on the tank jumping on the stand and no creaks no sounds and believe me no movement :( at this time I was begining to get worried that the tank that I though was coming home with me was actaully not. So I came up with the idea of lets bring the tank and stand out and lay it on its back OMG!!! haha Well yup go figure the tank and stand didnt budge the whole way down!! I was thinking WTF how are we going to do this. So rocking the tank and stand lots of pressure NOTHING. My buddy is a contractor and came up with the Idea of hitting the ledge of the stand with wood and a deadblo hammer. finally and 2hours of dealing with this it was loaded into the trailer and we headed out!! This was a crazy night last night but here is a tip DO NOT PAINT THE STAND WHERE THE TANK SITS lol the paint acted as glue!! all in all the tank is now ready for the move and I am starting to buy everything!! So here is what I am thinking and please correct me if there is better equipment that I am thinking of using!
Reef Octopus internal 5000
7 Gen-x PCX-40 water pumps (2 for returns and 5 for recirculation)
75gal tank for my sump
two 65 gal water storage tanks
40w UV sterilizer

here are some pictures of a 210 that i will be going after for my design
Untitled by adam.skott, on Flickr

List looks good the Reef octupus 5000 might be a little large, also I would go larger if you can on the sump, but that is just me.
I have 2 mp 40 in my 210 and depending on how you do your rock it might be enough...I just added two mp 10 to the back wall and it worked out great I also use a mag 24 for my return.which I plan on upgrading in the future just wait till you start to fill this bad much room is slot of fun I'll be sticking around for this build
Thanks Lunacris I think thats great info on where to start!! What protien skimmer are you running?

Thanks everyone for the great comments and Ill keep the pictures coming!!
Mike what would you recommend for a sump and would two eco techs 40 be enough flow for sps tank?

if you can find a 5 foot 150 or even a 120 or 125 I think that would be ideal. Also like Lunacris said the 2 mp40s along with the 2 mp10's should be more than enough. As far as a skimmer the SRO xp 3000I. When I spoke to Reef Octopus they stated that they rate their skimmers at a heavy bio load. So even if you have a 210 gallon tank, then subtract for rock and sand, you make end up with 175-185 gallons of water plus if you used a 75 gallon tank as a sump you are probably adding another 30 gallons of water. So overall you might be lucky to break approximately 210 gallons of actual water volume. And the XP 3000 is rated to 300 gallons. Hope this helps.
i use Reef Octopus Extreme SX 200 maybe considered small for the application but it rocks and for the price im more than pleased with the performance i built a little stand in my 75 gallon sump to bring up a little bit my sump stays little over half full
Ok everyone next step is buying my skimmer this weekend! I was told to get the ASM G-3 skimmer for my 210 what have you guys heard about it or if you have it what do you think about it!
Yes I have heard of them and yes they do a great job from what I have seen and read. They produce a lot of skim!