Vic!! Whatever happened to this little guy?
Well maybe its are turn? We still have the right to try to don't we?
Sorry, but no you shouldn't have the right to try. If 99out of 100 animals die hobbyist should be responsible and not try. If nobody tried to keep them then the animal would not need to be farmed and can continue living. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
I'd bet 99 out of the first 100 people that tried to keep clown fish in a vessel other than the ocean also killed them. If someone is going to make an attempt at applying scientific method to potentially improve the husbandry of a species I'm all for it. If you think it looks cool and know in you heart of hearts you aren't going to do anything but watch it die, that's cruelty. It's all about intent. Innovation ONLY comes from outliers and exceptions to the rule. We have to take some risks to improve our methods and improvement means conservation for species more than simply banning their collection. I trust the authorities that determine whether a species is endangered (until I don't and then I will challenge that authority) and when you consider the fecundity of these animals and the relatively low per capita numbers of marine reef aquarists it makes the risk more palatable. Don't mistake this for a disrespect for each individual life for which we take responsibility, but ultimately we may better serve that responsibility by learning from a failure than simply never attempting the risk. IMHO and now something clever and funny to break the tension and a smiley face![]()
they're so dang awesome looking, but nearly a guaranteed crab buffet.
So at what point does it become clear people should not try to keep an animal known to die in captivity? I have been reefing for 8 years. Those scallops have been for sale at least that long. After 8 years and still the general consensus is that these animals die. To me if the learning curve is that slow maybe people should choose not to buy the animal. People shouldn't have the pompous attitude that it is there right to try. Just because you have water in a tank doesn't not qualify you to have the right to do anything because you feel like it. Its because you have a tank that you should respect the limitations of the hobby, and be happy with what you know is generally consider able to live in captivity. I am not saying do not try to keep harder to live animals. I am talking only of the ones that have years of death.
Actually, not necessarily true. Captive animals kept properly, should way outlive their wild counterparts. We shouldn't be introducing disease into our tanks, better food (served right to them!) & NO predators. I have many fish who have made it past their 20s.Our clowns live a long time in captivity, but they have longer life expectancy on the reef
Actually, not necessarily true. Captive animals kept properly, should way outlive their wild counterparts. We shouldn't be introducing disease into our tanks, better food (served right to them!) & NO predators. I have many fish who have made it past their 20s.
I kept 1 for over 1 year in the nano
You need to document what you fed and post that for science. You appear to be the only one ever.