New addition - Flame Scallop

ive seen those at aquatica if my eyes dont lie it looks like a little bolt of electricity goes through them?
Saw one of these in a local guys tank, Soooo awesome. Once I have the 60 all settled in, I totally need to get one of these guys. Is yours puffing itself around the tank or just chillin in one spot?
Saw one of these in a local guys tank, Soooo awesome. Once I have the 60 all settled in, I totally need to get one of these guys. Is yours puffing itself around the tank or just chillin in one spot?

It's sitting in one spot but has turned itself. I saw it puffing around when I got it earlier from Tank Envy.
I try to listen to folks with more experience than I. Tried to prove them wrong too many times, to the demise to too many living things. :(
Yes, we always have the right to try to keep unkeepable creatures in our tanks & kill them, even though we've been warned. That's why the LFS keeps selling them.
I'm not saying I don't sometimes try to keep things that are difficult either. I recently lost a puffer that most experts can't keep alive for more than ~4 months. I bought it because it was at the shop & figured it would be better off with me & my long term pufferkeeping knowledge, than some guy that just sew it as a pretty puffer. I was able to keep it about a year. Then it got sick & while medicating it, I killed off the puffer & all the rest of the inhabitants in the tank. :(
I'm going to get flack for saying this but then don't preach. How many times have people said you can't do a reef tank without a skimmer well it has been done. Keeping sea horses hhmm been done. If someone doesn't try and find the solution then nobody would have any fish tanks and a lot of other things that we use daily
horseshoe crabs
tangs in 20g tanks
clowns in under 10gallons
1000 corals in nanos from all around the world stinging and gooing all over each other.
introducing pests into an environment that they don't have to travel far to get food. (ich)
harvesting live rock
harvesting anything from wild reefs for that matter
cutting the skin of corals in the effort to propagate them.

the point of my post, everyone in this hobby essentially are doing inhumane things somewhere, it's not the point, we want it and were top of the food chain, crying about something only living 4 years, and can live a year essentially in captivity, is actually pretty good. your last post puffer says it all, why can't he make the same argument about the flame scallop?

i cant stand the mama knows best argument. but good article.
I don't fault Jeni for trying to warn us or teach us as she has alot of experience. I take what I can learn. I also do things against advice because as everyone in this hobby, I'm a curious learner, so I get things that I have no business of keeping. Both sides have a good point.