New addition - Flame Scallop

yeah, based on what I've read they take about 9 months to starve to death so anything over that is basically setting records for the common aquarists. In a nano that's crazy. I think Julian Sprung has a couple that he has had longer, but he probably has a small islander sit next to it hand feeding it phyto of exactly the right size. . .

Lmao! I just totally visualized that.
I got my flame scallop last year at around this time and its still alive. I look thorough small gaps in the rock work and see it chilling so I leave it there. Still alive, but the reason I bought it back then was because of impulse buy. Back then a lot was impulse, unlike now where I've matured a lot in this hobby and know to recheck everything before buying. :fear: haha please don't bash me for it:fear:
I got my flame scallop last year at around this time and its still alive. I look thorough small gaps in the rock work and see it chilling so I leave it there. Still alive, but the reason I bought it back then was because of impulse buy. Back then a lot was impulse, unlike now where I've matured a lot in this hobby and know to recheck everything before buying. :fear: haha please don't bash me for it:fear:

two on here aver a year. that is great! Are you "dosing" phyto or anything? Based on what I've read their biggest problem is being selective in actual food particle size.
I dosed phytogold-m but about two to three weeks ago it ran out. I started dosing it about 3 months ago. It's seemed to do the same with or withought it as far as I could see, which was really just the back of it and some of the red part which was how I could tell wether it was alive.
yeah, based on what I've read they take about 9 months to starve to death so anything over that is basically setting records for the common aquarists. In a nano that's crazy. I think Julian Sprung has a couple that he has had longer, but he probably has a small islander sit next to it hand feeding it phyto of exactly the right size. . .

Man, being hungry for nine months. I have trouble with 5