November 2015: Nuvo 30L tank, Custom stand and MarineDepot Tshirt Giveaway!

Some really good new for you all. After far too many hours, I've made it through all the enteries from the expo. I kept the tickets to enter the giveaway out of site and had people inquire to enter. It was to help ensure people entering knew it was a saltwater tank and also to introduce them to CR.

47 of you entered at the booth
only 101 people entered using an email that wasn't registered on CR

When you factor in;
1. all of you who entered above (and those yet to enter in this thread)
2. those of you who double entered by posting above and at the show
3. that every Premium Member who enters gets a second entry(third if also entered at show,)
4. that many of you had family or friends enter at the show
the odds are in the favor of one of you to win!

I'll be emailing all those email addresses who aren't registered on CR, so we'll likely get a few of those to join too.

THANKS to all of the 47+ of you who stopped by the booth. I didn't know all of your screen names or most of your faces. However it was great to see so many of you at the show enjoying yourself.
Im in!!

I once won a gameboy color in a lunchables ,first and Last time in my life I ever won anything lol

I wrote up a LFS review .