Premium member
Congrats everyone
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Congratulations Armando & all my fellow winners, my thanks go out to everyone with special thanks going to Marine Depot for the tank & r33fswagg3r for sweetening the pot with his talents. Finally I'd like to give extra special thanks to the Captain of this ship our main man from next to Japan, Josh, A.K.A. jrpark22000. Thanks for putting it all together Josh we all appreciate your hard work. Live long and prosper.
Well the results are in. Drum roll please… has pulled our winner. Out of all the entries; 47 or more CR members entered at the booth, 101 others did the same and 72 entries are in this thread.
Congrats Armando [MENTION=3129]ajreefer721[/MENTION] For winning the main prize; the 30L tank from [MENTION=1515]MarineDepot[/MENTION] and stand built by [MENTION=2397]r33fswagg3r[/MENTION]!
Onto the Tshirts… These were only a part of the giveaway here on CR, they weren’t a part of the expo giveaway tickets. I used the randomizer and these are the top 5 results. We’ll go from top down for shirt size preference, top winner get first choice and so on.
1. [MENTION=3488]york3rdbase[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=489]bryman[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=1483]IHaveCrabs[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=2403]Mrgouts[/MENTION]
5. [MENTION=3359]1fishjones[/MENTION]
Happy Reefing everybody. I’ll send out PMs in the morning to all the winners to coordinate further.
Thanks Mike! I'll again shoot out a big thanks to [MENTION=2397]r33fswagg3r[/MENTION]! It was an amazing thing to offer, hopefully soon we'll see a r33fswgg3er sponsor section here on CR as a thank you for all his efforts.
Another big thank you to [MENTION=1515]MarineDepot[/MENTION] for the shirts, the deal on the tank and for helping CR by being a spoonsor.
Lastly, thank you to all of you on CR. The money from the premium members and the sponsors alike allows the site to run but just as important, it allows me to buy the sweet giveaways, like this tank!