NWIMAC Frag Fest Sept 21st 2014

Getting an idea of number for this upcoming event

  • Yes I'm totally there!

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • Depending on day and my plans, ill try to make it

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • Thanks, but sorry I won't be able to make it

    Votes: 5 11.6%

  • Total voters
It was a good turn out today! Thanks all for those who took the drive to NWI for the swap. Looking forward to next NWI swap.
It was a good time! Picked up a nice long tentacle plate.

It was nice running into some of you guys and meeting you Ryan.

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Well guys I'm finally off my feet! Lol
A big thanks goes to everyone involved. Everyone who made it out. I'm so thankful for everyone that helped make this event happen.
We totaled 170 attendees combining nwimac members and non nwimac members. That doesn't count kids and doesn't count vendors. I know we hit 200+ bodies at the swap.
From what feedback I've heard, many people were impressed. They mentioned many positives and really the main negatives were things I couldn't control. Bad cell service which made taking credit cards difficult and no wifi.
I'm all ears guys. Many of the vendors there are active here. And I saw a good handful CR shirts there also. Give me some feed back that we can use to make next years better, yes there will be a Nwimac Frag Fest 2015!

Be sure to also share your pics of what you brought home and I also welcome you to visit our clubs website and share your pics there too. And even if you didn't make it to the swap and don't have those pics to share, I welcome you all to visit our clubs web site.
Thanks kev for making it. Nice meeting you. I wish I woulda pulled the trigger on one of your frags. You got wiped out didn't you?

Yeah, luckily the guy from Midwest Coral Connection came over and made me an offer on my remaining zoas/palys. I was happy that I didn't have to take any coral back home with me.