Very nice Tom! What size tank is that?
Its about 220 gallons of water. The tank is 4'x4'x2'
Very nice Tom! What size tank is that?
Saylor what kind of light was that?
Lets get an "sticky" full tank shot thread going..
So everyone post a photo of their tank on here
Ill start...nothing fancy just a 29gallon biocube in which I transferred everything I couldn't sell into from a 75 gallon. Its been setup for only a few weeks
Hence a tank full of brown acros
This is my nano so far it's been up since mid October and so far so good. Sorry for quality it's a phone cam
Yeah that's funny.... You bought it off me at my work on pulaski.haha really Dave? small reefing world! Yea its a great tank...but I just have way too much stuff crammed in there so I had to upgrade to a 45