Planning a new system- sneak peak

Well,it has been a loooong time since any updates. First, my work got crazy busy for this time and I had no time to be very active. Second, most importantly I had few problems, I had to deal with. Everything was going good for few weeks since last update , until I got few new SPS frags from one of reputable vendor. Unfortunately it came with AEFW and red bugs. Even after dipping every frag, it is impossible to kill eggs of AEFW. It become apparent that something was wrong about a month after frag introduction, as it became very pale and lost its PE. I took it out and dipped in ReVive, and about 10 AEFW come off, :( , I disposed of this frag, but they spread very quickly and few other SPS became infected as well. Being busy at work, also at home with my kid, best course of action was to get rid of all of my SPS frags and go fallow for couple of months. I just had no time for weekly dipping regime. Also outbreak of marine velvet wiped off most of my fish,I thought about throwing a towel and just take break for some time, I was very discouraged. Fortunately tank was going on auto-pilot,having no fish and any SPS it was very easy, just replace my ATO container once a week. To get me out of this miserable situation, I decided to change my aquascape too, something to do. After 12 weeks, I slowly started stacking corals again, this time I went to couple of members from this site, that I know have great SPS and no pests. Big thank you to Madjoe and ReefDweller ( menard), those guys are great and hooked me up with more that I was barging for. :) .
All corals and fish are doing great now for couple of months, and I am hesitant to add anymore. I have over 40 different SPS, I guess I don't need much more. As far as fish, I got to like wrasses and have three of them, also a beautiful flame angel that was just too pretty to pass up. So, that's the story for now. Plan it to keep my hands off from my tank and let everything to mature. Just doing regular maintenance, checking parameters, etc.

I guess few pictures are in order.

FTS as of today,

fts for CR (640x554) by mark_mikina, on Flickr

left island
island1 (640x427) by mark_mikina, on Flickr

right island ( bonsai tree )

island2 (640x427) by mark_mikina, on Flickr

my fish

flame1 (640x426) by mark_mikina, on Flickr
wrasse6 (640x327) by mark_mikina, on Flickr
wrasse5 (640x412) by mark_mikina, on Flickr
wrasse2 (640x426) by mark_mikina, on Flickr
wrasse1 (640x426) by mark_mikina, on Flickr
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Could be other ways to share as well but this works. Enjoy!

Thank you , it works!
Newest residents :)

[/url]leopard wrasse by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]ornate wrasse by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Nice pics. Im up to 5 leopards right now in mine fef my favorite fish good score i need camera to get pics :( lol
I got all my wrasses from Aquapros. They all come in top shape and eating from day one. Not one went into sand hiding, swimming happily around my tank, exploring.
Great come back, glad you didn't throw in the towel. After my sps tank crashed I left it on autopilot for about 4 months with only a couple fish before getting re-motivated so I can relate to what you must have been feeling. I LOVE the rock work, did you piece together the tonga yourself. How did you do it?
Great come back, glad you didn't throw in the towel. After my sps tank crashed I left it on autopilot for about 4 months with only a couple fish before getting re-motivated so I can relate to what you must have been feeling. I LOVE the rock work, did you piece together the tonga yourself. How did you do it?

Thank you, I actually found a tonga branch in one piece, and using zip ties I tied it to my existing bonsai carameco rock. It looks great and is stable.