Poidog's 70g Tech Tank Build

Some night shots with the iphone


New additions today from MCF:

Helfrichi Firefish

ORA Snowflake clown


MCF Candlelight acro
ORA Bellina
ORA Red Planet

I was going to get the ORA Hawkins they had too, since I lost my colony to RTN last night, but theirs was showing signs of RTN too. Its such a nice piece, but very very sensitive.

Looks great. I have to go check out mcf now for sure.

They are the best in the area. If I were to open my own shop it would be a mirror of what MCF is, because they are doing everything right.

I forgot to update that Jose, the blue spot jawfish has been MIA'ish since added to the tank last weekend. He bypassed his PVC condo when added to the tank, and went straight to the back. Since, he has made some burrows but has not come out, and has not eaten. You see him poke his head out once and a while, but he looks very stressed with white blotches on his face - could be scales missing from burrowing of the "disease" they get when stressed. I hope he makes it.....
PAR results:
2x 24w T5 Giesemann Pure Actinic
2x 24w T5 Giesemann Actinic Plus
1x 250w Phoenix MH

Looking good Eric! Keep us posted on Jose...I hope he pulls through for you!
Thanks for the positive feedback as well :)
This is the third time I've bougt a red plane, haha
1st died in nano crash
2nd out grew nano
3rd this one for the new tank
12 hour update on the new snowflake clown:

The existing female has taken to him well, no aggression and lets him in the host. Has also shown signs of being submissive. The existing male however chases the snowflake from the host. When all are away from the host they swim together and no aggression.

I expected this to happen at the beginning as the existing male is establishing the pecking order to the new unsexed snowflake. Will update on how this pans out.
Nice updates. Really good looking color on your new frags and great looking new fishes!
Do you own a PAR meter?
Clown update:
Still no aggression from the female towards the snowflake, in fact she is taking a liking to him better than the current male. The male has let the snowflake into the host at night (or stay nearby), but will still chase him at times, much less often and less aggressively as before. No evidence of biting or fin nipping.

Jose update:
He has made an appearance! He found a nice burrow spot between the rocks. He hung out all day yesterday and semi-actively went after food. Still a little timid, but no longer afraid if you approach the tank. He found a good spot for view, and won't make a big mess, so since he didn't take to the new PVC condo, I'll probably remove it as the helfrichi is currently using it. The white spots I saw early were just scale damage on his head and around his mouth from borrowing, not a fungal infection.

Do you own a PAR meter?

I used the CMAS PAR meter.
So I've decided to replace my Giesemann T5 bulbs with ATI's blue plus bulbs. The 2x pure actinic and 2x actinic plus were just too purple for my liking and with the MH on it light was too white for me. I'm going to switch all 4 to the ATI blue plus. Not only with this give me more or a bluer 450-460nm spectrum (vs 420-440) but it will also boost my PAR up a bit.

I've also set up the AI nano LED up over my fuge/sump. I won it at MACNA and didn't want to sell it as it's too cool of a toy to get rid of :) I feel like it's sort of a waste having a $300 LED just growing chaeto vs my old $20 CF bulb... but it does make my fuge look sick! I'm planning turn a section of the fuge as my new "frag rack" now. At 100% output I get 350 PAR in 3" of water. I'm running it now at 33% and getting ~125 PAR. Big change from the 18 PAR the CF was putting out! That chaeto should take off growing now! haha

Here is just a cell phone pic
Alright, I'm having some problems with Jose the blue spot. He refuses to go into his PVC condo. I've even put it by his current burrow/s to see if he'll spot it and go in. Instead he just perches on top of it. The problem is that since he's not in the condo he keeps digging all around the tank, making sand piles everywhere. Now it has gone too far as he is dragging clams and LPS (on the sand bed) down his burrows (something he never did in the PVC condo in the old tank). I'm in the tank every night undoing the damage he's done to the tank during the day. I'm about ready to spear him. What should I do to:
a) get him into his condo,
b) get him to stop his constant burrowing or
c) get him out of the tank!
D) Have a beer and watch your nutty blue spot do his thing after moving your corals off the sand so he doesn't kill anything on accident. Sounds like that's just how he wants to be in the new tank.

Have you tried to remove him to QT for a few days and then reintroduce him to the tank near the PVC condo? That's worth a shot.