Not so much patience as money... I had to finish a basement first. So many times I wanted to start this guy up, but drywall dust would be a disaster for a running reef I imagine. Wife didn't like me finishing basement a bit at a time, so I had to wait until I had the funds to complete it in one big shot. Basement is now complete, but I'm moving slow and doing this on the cheap where possible. Starting with some simple fish, cheap non-reef lighting, etc. I'll slowly build it up, reef lighting, better skimmer, some calcium/alk control method, etc.
Right now my big concern is evaporation. No so much about how wet it will make my basement, but more about how much am I going to have to top off this beast every day this winter. Also, what's going to happen to my already high electric bill?
Take a look at the Avast Barrel Tender, it is a reliable way to connect your RODI to your ATO.
My ATO container used to only last 2 days in the winter, and the Barrel Tender took that regular maintenance item off the list!