Question about my Randall's goby and pistol shrimp.


Just got them the day before yesterday.. they found a nice spot to burrow right up front and I was pleased. But, last night some sand got pushed around and closed the entrance to their burrow.. I went to check and see what was going on today - and they're still in there. Are they trapped?
No,the probably went to bed,they will be fine.If they don't come thru the same hole,they probably dug a different tunnel.Pics please :-)
No,the probably went to bed,they will be fine.If they don't come thru the same hole,they probably dug a different tunnel.Pics please :-)

they are just fine.. they probably have another hole somewhere that u cnt see that they are coming out of.. drop a pellet in at night or when the lights are off and you'll see which hole the pistol will come out of.. i knw mine had like a whole maze
No,the probably went to bed,they will be fine.If they don't come thru the same hole,they probably dug a different tunnel.Pics please :-)


Also make sure the LR is stable and not just sitting on top of the sand. You don't want it coming down on them. I put pieces of egg create under the two sides of my rock structure so he could dig in the middle and not have to worry about it coming down on them.
Thanks for the reassurance guys!

I have one picture of them. Acclimating. Lmfao. I'll snap some more when they decide to come out! I love the Randall's eye spot on his high fin. So cool. He definitely tries to scare my husband away with it.

As for my live rock - its on the bottom of the tank. So I'm not worried about it going anywhere. I also go kind of crazy with the putty. Lmfao!
you should post the, so we can see how they look like.. want to see what color your pistol shrimp is :)
Also.. can the other tunnels be far away from the original? Are my nassarius snails going to bother them, and their burrows?

Not the greatest picture! But there they are. I guess my pistol is a candy stripe? Kind of wish he was orange and matched my goby. But, I really like it anyways.
Just went to go check on them..


When I got close the goby kind of hurried the shrimp in the hole to hide from me. But from where I'm sitting right now I can see him working on the burrow.
Yeah its easier for me to drop the coin and give it to her I get yelled at a lot less!!!! LOL. And this way maybe I can eventually get my 120g. :-)